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“Light of Tolo Channel and Plover Cove” Photography Competition 2016

Organiser: Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)
Co-organisers: Eco-Education and Resources Centre (ERC), Green Power and Eco Institute
Supporting Organisations: Joint University Photographic Society and Hong Kong Hiking Association, China


Competition Results:

Please refer to the Chinese Version.


 Event Information 


Nature Photography Eco-Tour (II)

Date :  21 May 2016 (Sat)
Time 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Venue Ting Kok Coast
Language Cantonese
Target  Public (aged 12 or above)
Fee Free-of-charge
Theme Landscape and Coastal Life Photography 
Instructors Mr. Henry LUI
Senior Conservation Manager, Green Power
Mr. Stanley CHAN
Senior Conservation Officer, Eco-Education and Resources Centre
Remarks 1) Limited quota on a first-come-first-served basis.  
2) Participants please bring along with your own cameras.     

Photo Gallery 


 Event Information 


Nature Photography Public Seminar (II) 

Date :  15 May 2016 (Sun)
Time 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm (registration starts at 2:30 am)
Venue Lecture Theatre of Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre
Language Cantonese
Target  Public
Fee Free-of-charge
Topic (1) Coastal Life Photography
Speaker Mr. Henry LUI
Senior Conservation Manager, Green Power
Topic (2) Landscape and Wildlife Photography 
Speaker Mr. Stanley CHAN
Senior Conservation Officer, Eco-Education and Resources Centre

Photo Gallery 

 Event Information 

Nature Photography Eco-Tour (I)

Date :  6 Feb 2016 (Sat)
Theme Photo-taking Techniques of Macro, Bird and Landscape 
Instructors Mr. Ken CHING  
Director, Eco-education and Resources Centre  
Mr. Hydrogen PUN 
Senior Nature Photographer in Hong Kong
Photo Gallery



 Event Information 

Nature Photography Public Seminar (I) 

Date :  23 Jan 2016 (Sat)
Topic (1) Photo-taking Techniques of Macro, Bird and Landscape
Speaker Mr. Ken CHING  
Director, Eco-education and Resources Centre
Topic (2) Macro Photography
Speaker Mr. Hydrogen PUN 
Senior Nature Photographer in Hong Kong
Photo Gallery 





This Competition aims to promote the beauty and biodiversity of coastal life and habitats in Hong Kong; and raise public awareness of importance in conservation of our coastal environment in Hong Kong.

Theme of the Competition:

All entries must show the beauty of coastal ecology, habitats, life and interesting stories and be taken along the coastline of Plover Cove, Tolo Harbour or Tolo Channel; inspire the public to appreciate and treasure these places; and convey the message of conservation of our coastal environment in Hong Kong.

Entry Requirements:

1) Participants must be holders of valid full-time student cards (only required for participants of the Student Group).
2) Participants must be holders of Hong Kong Permanent Identity Cards (only required for participants of the Open Group).
3) All entries must be taken along the coastline of Plover Cove, Tolo Harbour or Tolo Channel.



The competition will be divided into two categories:

1) Student Group
2)   Open Group (Hong Kong residents aged 16 or above)

Each Group includes 3 items:  

a) Wide Angle – Coastal Environment
b)   Wide Angle – Coastal Life
c) Marco – Coastal Life


Rules and Regulations:

1) Each participant may only participate in EITHER Student Group OR Open Group.
2)   Each participant must submit Digital files (JPEG or TIFF format with resolution of which should not be less than 2MB. RAW file is not accepted).
3) Each participant may participate in one or all items, with the maximum of 10 entries in each item.
4)  All entries submitted for this Competition will not be returned.
5)  All entries must be the original works by the participants and have not been sold, published or taken part in other photography competitions previously.
6) To take part in the Competition, participants aged below 18 should obtain the consent from their parents/ guardians, whereas the participants should understand and abide by the terms and conditions laid down by the organiser.
7) The organiser is entitled to disqualify any participant who does not observe the above rules and regulations of the Competition. The organiser also reserves the right to timely amend the rules and regulations of the Competition without prior notice to the participants.
8) Once the entries are selected, the original photographic films or digital files (JPEG or TIFF, around 5MB) must be provided by the participants. Entries will be disqualified if original files are not available.
9) In case of dispute, the decision of the organiser will be final and binding on all parties concerned.
10) Immediate relatives of staff of the organisers and judges are not eligible to participate in the Competition.


Methods of Participation:

Entry form can be obtained through schools or downloaded here:
Entry form
Competition Guideline
Participants must submit the following documents: 
1)  Completed and signed Entry form.
2)  Entries in CD or DVD.
3)  Copy of the student card (only applicable to participants of the Student Group). 
Please submit the entry together with a completed entry form through the school, in person or by post (Address: Marine Conservation Division (East), Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, 7/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon). Please mark“Light of Tolo Channel and Plover Cove” Photography Competition 2016 on the envelope. 
Entries may also be submitted together with the required documents and electronic copy of the duly completed entry form by e-mail to (mar_con_east@afcd.gov.hk). Acknowledgment e-mail will be sent to the participants for successful submission.


Submission Period:

1st November 2015 – 30th June 2016

Deadline of Submission:

30th June 2016 [Entries received by post will be dated by postmark]

Judging Criteria:

1) Overall Beauty  (40%)
2) Shooting Technique  (30%)
3) Expression of Messages and Creativity  (30%)



1) Mr. Ken CHING
Director, Eco-education and Resources Centre 
2)   Mr. Samson SO
Famous Nature Photographer in Hong Kong, Founder and Director of Eco Institute 
3) Mr. Hydrogen PUN
Senior Nature Photographer in Hong Kong
4) Mr. Brian CHING
Senior News Photographer in Hong Kong
5)  Mr. Henry LUI
Senior Conservation Manager, Green Power 


Awards and Prizes:

Awards and Prizes for each category:

Prizes  Awards
Champion (1 place) A certificate and book vouchers worth HK$1,500
1st Runner-up (1 place)  A certificate and book vouchers worth HK$800
2nd Runner-up (1 place)  A certificate and book vouchers worth HK$500
Merit Award (5 places) A certificate and book vouchers worth HK$100 


Announcement of Results:

Results will be announced on the AFCD website on or before 30 September 2016. Winners will be notified individually and invited to the Prize Presentation Ceremony. Champions of each group may be invited to introduce their works and share their shooting experience during the Ceremony.


1) Participants must comply with the relevant copyright legislation. Entries in violation of copyright or related offenses, including but not limiting to being borrowed, reproduced, copied and counterfeit, will be disqualified. The participant should bear his/her own legal liability. Any legal disputes are not related to the organiser.
2)   Participant must agree that the organiser reserves the right including but not limiting to reproduce, use, modify, exhibit, publish and distribute the entries through any media for publicity or educational purposes without any payment in respect of such use and prior notice to the participants.
3) Participants must agree that the organiser reserves the right to distribute, exhibit or publish the submitted entries for the use of (including but not limiting to) promoting coastal conservation and education activities.
4)  Once the entry form is signed by the participants, they must abide by the above terms, conditions and rules, release the organiser unconditionally any legal liability for publishing his or her works submitted, and undertake all compensation to the organiser any loss caused by breaching of rules on his or her part.

Personal Data Collection Statement: 
Personal Data Collection Statement: The personal information is provided by the participant voluntarily for relevant activities organised by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. The information will be provided to relevant staff for processing, contact, and relevant purposes. For enquiries or amendment to the provided information, please send us a written request. If the participant does not provide sufficient, accurate and clear information, his/her request may not be processed.