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Membership and Terms of Reference of the Sustainable Agricultural Development Fund Advisory Committee

I.   Terms of reference

 (a) To advise the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation (DAFC) on the overall strategy for funding projects and the relative priorities of applications for funding support under the SADF.
 (b) To make recommendations to the DAFC on the following matters relating to the applications for funding support:
  (i) the procedures, guidelines and criteria for assessing applications;
  (ii) the merits of individual applications, and upon selection of successful applicants, the terms, amount and forms of funding support;
  (iii) any subsequent need to change the terms, amount and forms of support to a project in view of any material variation of or modification to the project;
  (iv) compliance of funded projects with the terms of support and their effectiveness in achieving stated objectives;
  (v) follow-up actions in respect of any non-compliance, non-performance or default in meeting pre-determined performance indicators in relation to a funded project; and
  (vi) the funding and operation of the Farm Improvement Scheme.
 (c) To vet applications or undertake the work for other purposes related to the fund as it deems fit.
 (d) To advise on any other matters related to the fund as referred to it by the DAFC.


II.  Membership

  Prof. LAM Hon-ming, MH Professor, School of Life Sciences, CUHK
  Hon Steven HO Chun-yin, BBS Legislative Council Member
  Mr. CHAN Pok-chi, JP Vice-chairman, Federation of Hong Kong Agricultural Associations
  Ms. CHIU Ching-yi, Stella Senior Investment Analyst
  Mr. CHONG Yue-kwan Managing Director, King Bakery Holdings Limited
  Mr. CHU Kam-ming Second Vice-Chairman, the Federation of Vegetable Marketing Co-operative Societies, Ltd.
  Ms. LAU Yuen-yee, Vicky, MH Former Executive Secretary, Produce Green Foundation
  Dr. LEUNG Oi-wah, Anna Programme Director, BSc (Hons) in Bioresource and Agricultural Science, HKBU
  Ms. LIAO Shu-hang Managing Director, Platform Group International Ltd.
  Mr. LOK Chi-kin Founder, Full Nature Farms
  Ms. NG Man-san, Jane Lawyer
  Ms. NG Shan-shan General Manager, Hung Lam Development Co.
  Mr. TSUI Ka, Andrew Co-Founder, Rooftop Republic Co. Ltd
  Secretary for Environment and Ecology or his representative
  Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation or his representative


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