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Farm Improvement Scheme


A Farm Improvement Scheme (FIS) is set up under SADF to provide direct grants to local farmers for acquisition of farming equipment and materials for helping farmers improve their farming efficiency and productivity. From 28 February 2023 onwards, the eligible farmers along with their spouses can choose to apply for project grants either in their personal capacity or through group applications.


Eligibility (Individual Application)

An applicant must be a resident or a registered company/organisation of Hong Kong and operate a crop farm engaged in commercial production of not less than 1 dau chung (d.c.) or a licensed livestock farm in Hong Kong.
To prevent double benefit, each eligible farmer along with his/her spouse may only apply for one grant for the production unit that has not received a grant previously. However, if the applicant and his/her spouse own or operate more than one production unit that has not received a grant previously, or subsequently acquire or operate another production unit that has not received a grant previously, they may apply for two grants and the item(s) so acquired can be used in all their production units.
An applicant would need to provide proofs to certify that his/her farm is an operating farm for commercial production. Please refer to Paragraph 2 to the Application Guideline for the acceptable proofs.
Eligible farmers can apply FIS for purchasing equipment and materials shortlisted by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department for FIS. Please refer to Annex 1 to the Application Guideline of Farm Improvement Scheme (Individual Application) for the list of farm equipment and materials.


Amount of Grant (Individual Application)

The grant will be issued on a reimbursement basis and will cover up to 90% of the cost of each piece of eligible equipment and materials purchased, i.e. the successful applicant is required to bear at least 10% of the cost. The total maximum grant that an eligible farmer along with his/her spouse may receive is capped at $50,000 for one production unit. If the applicant and his/her spouse own or operate more than one production unit that has not received a grant previously, or subsequently acquire or operate another production unit, they may apply for two grants; with one grant capped at $50,000, the maximum grant they may receive is capped at $100,000 and the item(s) so acquired can be used in all their production units.
For details, please refer to the Application Guideline and Application Form of Farm Improvement Scheme (Individual Application). (Traditional Chinese only)

Eligibility (Group Application)

Eligible applicants may, on behalf of the farmers eligible for participation in the relevant projects (project participants), apply for grant to acquire farming equipment/tools/materials on a pre-approved list under the funds to improve the production or promote sustainable development. For details, please refer to the Application Guideline and Application Form of Farm Improvement Scheme (Group Application). (Traditional Chinese only)


Supplies of farm machinery / equipment

Applicants may choose and purchase their own farm machinery/equipment, and some suppliers are listed as below for their reference. The inclusion of any suppliers in the list does not in any way imply endorsement or recommendation by the Hong Kong SAR Government.

List of Suppliers of Farm Machinery

List of Maintenance Service Providers of Farm Machinery

Suppliersťand maintenance service providers of farm machinery may contact the Plant Protection Section ofť Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department at 2674 4354ť/ 2670 1161 in order to amend any information they have provided or to include themselves into the list of suppliers/service providers.

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