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Ting Kok+ Ambassador

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department is organising Ting Kok+ Ambassador Scheme. The Ting Kok+ Ambassadors will participate in a series of training and field trips on various topics, including coastal ecology and biodiversity, knowledge and species identification of coastal fauna and flora, and communication skills with the public. The Ting Kok+ Ambassadors will then apply their learning gains at Ting Kok and other coastal areas to help record the human activities and marine species in the area, as well as to interact and engage the public to promote conservation of the area.


  • Collecting data on the public usage of the area
  • Interacting and engaging with the public to promote the understanding and conservation of the area
  • Taking species records
  • Assisting coastal eco-tour and other educational activities


  • Students of local universities or tertiary institutes (Priority to participants studying ecology / environmental science/biology or related disciplines), and are permanent resident of Hong Kong
  • The Ambassadors will be working outdoors and physical fitness is required
  • The Ambassadors will be working especially on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays, and occasionally on weekdays
  • If overwhelming responses are received, applicants will be selected based on the information provided in the application form
  • Applicants are required to attend 80% of the training and to pass the assessments to become a qualified Ambassador upon completion of the training.


May-June: Training, field trips and assessment

- 26th May (Wed) 09:00-17:30
- 9th Jun (Wed) 09:00-17:30
- 12th Jun (Sat) 09:00-18:30 

July-October: Service period

December: Ceremony

Training Details:

  • Coastal ecology and biodiversity
  • Species identification and knowledge on coastal fauna and flora
  • Skills on environmental education


Certificate of Service with annual service award (Gold / Silver / Bronze / Participation) will be presented by the end of the programme.

Gold: 30 service hours

Silver: 20 service hours

Bronze: 10 service hours

Participation: less than 10 service hours

Awards will also be presented to ambassadors with the highest number of service hours and most creatures recorded.

* Training time is not included in service hours.


Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong (OWLHK)

Tel: 3619 0626

Email: education@owlhk.org

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)

Email: mar_con_biodiv@afcd.gov.hk

Facebook: Tolo Appreciation