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Ecological Mitigation Measures

Main Drainage Channels for Fanling, Sheung Shui and Hinterland


Enhancement of abandoned meanders to compensate for the loss of floodplain and riverine habitats due to the river training works and to create suitable habitats for wildlife.


Ecological enhancement works were carried out in 8 meanders and a pond along River Beas near Long Valley. Works included re-contouring the sites, modifying the hydrology and planting wetland species.


A total of 39 species of birds, mainly wetland dependent birds and small insectivorous birds, were recorded. A locally rare wetland dependent bird species, Rostratula benghalensis (Greater Painted-snipe), at different life stages were also recorded. This suggests that the enhanced wetland habitats provide suitable habitats for a number of avifauna, in particular wetland dependent species.


Lam, S.K.S., Lee, W.H., Wong, B.S.F. (2004). Some Ecological Mitigation Measures for the Main Drainage Channel Projects in Hong Kong. In Proceedings for the 3rd European Conference on River Restoration, Zagreb, Crotia, 17-21 May 2004.


Location of the 8 enhanced meanders and the pond along River Beas

An enhanced abandoned meander along River Beas

The enhanced pond near River Beas
Greater Painted-snipe - Male and chicks were recorded at the enhanced wetland habitat
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