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Technical support, training, liaison services and financial assistance

Financial Assistance

Loan Fund and Emergency Relief

Emergency Relief Fund Operational Guidelines

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

  1. Fishermen

    1. Only bona fide Hong Kong fishermen, and at least 50% of whose family income comes from fishing will be considered for relief.

    2. Applicants must be the owners of the damaged/lost vessels which were used for fishing.

    3. The damaged/lost vessel must be the subject of a valid fishing vessel licence issued by the Marine Department.

    4. The damage/losses must have resulted from fire, strong wind, heavy rain, thick fog or other occurrence.

    5. Application will not be considered if the damaged/lost vessel is owned by a fish trader or fishing company except in unusual circumstances of extreme hardship.

    6. If the damaged/lost vessel has insurance coverage, the fisherman may be required to repay the amount of the grants if he subsequently receives compensation from the insurer.
  2. Pond Fish Farmers

    1. Only genuine small-scale fish farmers will be considered; damage suffered by commercial farming concerns and comparatively high income fish farmers will not be considered except in unusual circumstances of extreme hardship.

    2. Applicants half of whose main source of family income does not come from fish farming will be rejected.

    3. If less than one-third of the whole fish farm is damaged, no grant should be given unless there are exceptional circumstances.

  3. Marine Fish Farmers

    1. Only licensed small-scale fish farmers and at least 50% of whose family income comes from marine fish culture will be considered for relief.

    2. Regarding loss or damage to rafts or cages, only those cases involving at least one-third of the rafts or cages are lost or damaged will be considered for relief unless there are exceptional circumstances.

    3. Regarding loss of fish, only those cases involving a loss of at least one-third of the total fish stock by value will be considered for relief unless there are exceptional circumstances.

    4. For both (2) & (3) above, the amount of grant in respect of the rafts, cages or fish stock should not exceed the value of the actual losses in the respective items.

    5. Commercial farming concerns and large-scale farms will not be considered except in unusual circumstances of extreme hardship.

    6. If the fish stock/rafts have insurance coverage, the fish farmer may be required to repay the amount of the grants received if he subsequently recovers compensation from the insurer.

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