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Export of Animals & Products of Animal Origin


In order to assist local exporters in meeting veterinary health requirements of importing countries/places, this Department provides services to facilitate the export of animals and products of animal origin.ťSuch services include:

Since different countries/places impose different restrictions on the importation of animals and products of animal origin, applicants are strongly advised to first obtain details of the requirements from both the government authority of theťcountry/place of destinationťand from the airline or shipping company that will carry them. Please note that this Department may not always be able to certify all of the required details.

Note: If the animal species and their parts or derivatives to be exported are controlled under theťProtection of Endangered Species ofťťAnimals and PlantsťOrdinance, Cap. 586, the exporter must also apply appropriate CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) export permit from this Department.




Tel. : (852) - 1823
Email : icsenquiry@afcd.gov.hk

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