Appendix 10


Enforcement Summary
Pesticide registration Part I 2
  Part II 7
Pesticide licences issued Part I 119
  Part II 18
Pesticide licences renewed Part I 1,306
  Part II 251
Pesticide permits Issued for re-export 3
  Issued for other purposes 3
  Extended for re-export 16
  Extended for other purposes 65
Pesticide import licences (Cap 60) issued   3,837
Pesticide export licences (Cap 60) issued   3,298
Premises inspections   3,943
Labels reviewed   120
General Summary
Total number of Part I pesticides registered 194
Total number of Part II pesticides registered 319
Total number of Part I licencees 1,428
Total number of Part II licencees 276
Total number of permittees for re-export 9
Total number of permittees for other purposes 34 ť