Appendix 14


Cap. Sect. Reg. Nature of Offence No. of concluded prosecution cases Total Fines
96 16(1)(a)   Illegal use of fire in countryside 2 $1, 600
96 21(b)   Plucking plant without lawful excuse 3 $3, 000
96 21(d)   Illegal felling of trees in countryside 4 $5, 850
170 4   Hunt or willfully disturb any protected wild animal without permit 3 $4,500
170 5   Take, remove, injure, destroy or willfully disturb a nest or egg of any protected wild animal without special permit 1 $0
170 7(2)   Possessing hunting appliance without special permit 1 $2,500
170 8(1)(a)   Have in his possession or under his control any lived protected wild animal taken in Hong Kong without special permit 1 $2,000
170 13(1)(a)   Enter into or be within any area specified in Schedule 6 of Cap. 170 during the period specified in respect thereof in that Schedule 25 $7,500
170 17C(3)   Feeding wild animal without special permit 72 $50,600
208 26 4(1) Possessing/driving of vehicle/bicycle in country park without permit 580 $208,030
208 26 6 Possessing arms in country park without permit 2 $800
208 26 7(1)(b) Carrying or possessing fire-balloon in country park 3 $1, 500
208 26 7(1)(c) Illegal lighting or using of fire in country park 2 $1,100
208 26 8(1)(a) Illegal cutting of plants in country park 5 $3,350
208 26 8(1)(b) Illegal digging of soil in country park 2 $1, 600
208 26 9(1)(b) Selling / exposing for sale / letting on hire commodity / article within a country park without permit 1 $0
208 26 10(1)(c) Constructing or excavating grave in country park without permission 13 $11,400
208 26 11(2)(b) Operating power driven model in country park without permission 3 $1,100
208 26 11(3)(b) Camping outside designated camp sites 66 $21,800
208 26 12(1)(c) Littering 109 $167, 300
Total:       898 $495,530

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