Appendix 20


Fact Sheets

Agriculture and Fisheries (Chinese & English versions)
Country Parks and Conservation (Chinese & English versions)
Code of Conduct for Dolphin Watching Activities (Bilingual)


Newsletter on Controlled-Environment Greenhouse (Issues June & December,2014) (Bilingual)
Hong Kong Wetland Park Newsletter (Issues 23-24) (Bilingual)
Hong Kong Wetland Park, Marine Parks and Country Parks e-newsletter (April, June, August, October, December 2014 and February 2015) (Bilingual)


Learn More about Organic Farming (Chinese version only)
Letter of Approval for Agricultural Structures dApplication Guide (Bilingual)
Good Agriculture Practices 1 dFarm Environment (Chinese version only)
Good Agriculture Practices 2 dFarm Operation (Chinese version only)
Good Agriculture Practices 3 dFarm Management (Chinese version only)
A Guide to Tai Po Leisure Farms (Chinese version only)
Good Aquaculture Practices 1 dFish Feed Management (Chinese & English versions)
Good Aquaculture Practices 2 dEnvironmental Management of Mariculture (Chinese & English versions)
Good Aquaculture Practices 3 dEnvironmental Management of Pond Fish Culture (Chinese & English versions)
Good Aquaculture Practices 4 dPrevention and Treatment of Fish Diseases (Chinese & English versions)
Good Aquaculture Practices 5 dFry Health Management (Chinese & English versions)
Fusion Cooking for Jade Perch (Chinese version only)
Common Parasitic Diseases of Cultured Fish (Chinese version only)
Venturing Hong Kong Country Parks (Pat Sin Leng, Plover Cove and Plover Cove (Extension)) (2013 edition) (Bilingual)
Venturing Hong Kong Country Parks (Lions Nature Education Centre) (2013 edition) (Bilingual)
Venturing Hong Kong Country Parks (Clear Water Bay Country Parks) (2014 edition) (Bilingual)
Venturing Hong Kong Country Parks (Sai Kung Country Parks) (2014 edition) (Bilingual)
Country Park Hiking Safety Guidelines (2014 edition) (Bilingual)
Hints for Nature Appreciation (2013 edition) (Bilingual)
18 Hiking Safety Hints (2013 edition) (Bilingual)
Protect Our Countryside, Prevent Hill Fire (Bilingual)
Getting to know Hong Kong's Dolphins and Porpoises (Bilingual)
The Ambassador who transverses Guangdong and Hong Kong Waters (Bilingual)
“Dolphin Hopping” pop-up booklet (Bilingual)
Little Dolphin Missing Home (Bilingual)
Conserve Hong Kong's Corals (Bilingual)
Dangerous Marine Life of Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Horse shoe Crabs in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
See you 300 million years later (Bilingual)
"2012 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Life Drawing Competition" Art Collection Booklet (Chinese version only)
My Ocean Sketch Book (Bilingual)
Ting Kok Coastal Guide (Bilingual)
Common Wetland Birds of the Deep Bay Area (Bilingual)
Waterbird Monitoring Programme and Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site (Bilingual)
Waterbird Migration (Bilingual)
Please Protect Terns and Their Breeding Sites (Bilingual)
Prevention of Birds at Farmland (Chinese version only)
Prevention of Waterbird Predation at Fishponds (Chinese version only)
Hong Kong Wetland Park Volunteer Handbook (Chinese version only)
Hong Kong Wildlife dWild Pigs (Bilingual)
Hong Kong Wildlife dBats (Bilingual)
Hong Kong Wildlife dMonkeys (Bilingual)
Stop Feeding Wild Monkeys (Chinese version only)
Brief Guide for Import and Export of Animals, Plants & Endangered Species (Bilingual)
Treasuring our Biodiversity (Bilingual)
Rodent Control Guide for Pest Control Personnel (Chinese version only)
Quarantine Detector Dog Leaflet (Bilingual)
Pesticide Safety dIncrease Awareness Reduce Hazards (Chinese and English versions)
Safe Use of Household Pesticides (Bilingual)
Learn More About Household Pesticides dFormulation (Bilingual)
Pesticides Used for Outdoor Mosquito Control (Chinese & English versions)
Proper and Safe Use of Pesticides Household Mosquito Control (Bilingual)
Safe Use of Pesticides dTurfs and Landscape Management (Bilingual)
Use Pesticides Safely in Schools, Follow Precautionary Rules (Bilingual)
Get Licence, Proper Label (Bilingual)
Amendment of the Pesticides Ordinance (Bilingual)
A Guide to Taking Care of Your Dog (Chinese version only) (01/2015)


A Guide to Hong Kong Leisure Farms 2015 (Chinese version only)
Operation Guidelines for Chicken Farming (Bilingual)
Descriptions, Control and Prevention of Major Pig Diseases in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Harmful Marine Microalgae in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Nature Discovery Learning Resource Pack (Chinese version only)
Outdoor Learning Handbook (Junior Secondary) at Hong Kong Wetland Park (Chinese version only)
Hong Kong Wetland Park School Education Programme Prospectus (Bilingual)


Hong Kong Leisure Farms Mobile Application (Chinese version only)
Know more about Organic Farming (Bilingual)
Farm Machinery and Equipment Lending Services (Chinese version only)
Integrated Pest Management of Plant Pests (Chinese version only)
Control of Striped Flea Beetles (Bilingual)
Control of Melon Flies (Bilingual)
Safe Use of Larvicides in Agricultural Field (Chinese version only)
Plant (Importation and Pest Control) Ordinance, Chapter 207 of the Laws of Hong Kong dIntroduction to Import Control (Bilingual)
Emergency Relief Fund (Bilingual)
Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Loan Fund (Bilingual)
J.E. Joseph Trust Fund (Bilingual)
Accredited Fish Farm Scheme (Bilingual)
Accredited Fish dJade Perch (Chinese version only)
Accredited Fish dGrey Mullets (Chinese version only)
Accredited Fish dGroupers (Chinese version only)
Good Fishing Practices (Chinese version only)
Destructive Fishing Prohibited (Chinese version only)
Code of Practice for recreational fishing (Chinese version only)
How to register a Local Fishing Vessel (Chinese version only)
Voluntary Registration Scheme for Local Pond Fish Farms (Chinese version only)
Beware of cold weather dSuggested measures for fish culture (Chinese version only)
What are red tides / algal blooms? (Bilingual)
Be aware of hypoxia (Chinese version only)
Control of Mosquito Breeding Problem in Fish Ponds (Chinese version only)
Fisheries Education Centre (Bilingual)
Red Tide Information Network Mobile Application (Bilingual)
Control of Dogs in Country Parks - Be a Considerate and Responsible Dog Owner (Chinese, English, Tagalog & Indonesia)
Code of Practice for Mountain Bike Trail in Country Park (Bilingual)
Mountain Bike Trails dTrail Rules (Bilingual)
Mountain Bike Trail Difficulty Rating System (Bilingual)
Share the Trail. Let’s Enjoy the Countryside Together! (Bilingual)
Shing Mun Country Park (Bilingual)
Tai Mo Shan Country Park (Bilingual)
Woodside Biodiversity Education Centre (Bilingual)
Tai Tong Nursery (Chinese version only)
Country Park Visitor Centres School Education Programmes (Bilingual)
Code for Visiting Country Parks and Special Areas (2014 edition) (Bilingual)
Code for Driving in Sai Kung Man Yee Road and Sai Wan Road (Chinese version only)
Prevention of Hill Fire During Grave Sweeping (Bilingual)
Hong Kong Global Geopark Geotour Routes (English, Simplified Chinese & Traditional Chinese versions)
Getting to Know Hong Kong Geopark (Bilingual)
Code for Visiting Geosites in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Boat Tour of Sai Kung Islands (Chinese, English & Japanese versions)
Boat Tour of the Northeast New Territories (Chinese, English & Japanese versions)
Boat Tour of Tolo Channel (Chinese, English & Japanese versions)
High Island Geo Trail (English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese & Japanese versions)
Sharp Island Geo Trail (Bilingual)
Ma Shi Chau Nature Trail & Tai Po Geoheritage Centre (Bilingual)
Lai Chi Wo Nature Trail & Lai Chi Wo Geroheritage Centre (Bilingual)
Lions Nature Education Centre Geo-hub (Bilingual)
Kat O Nature Trail & Kat O Geoheritage Centre (Bilingual)
Hong Kong Global Geopark Volcano Discovery Centre (Chinese, English & Japanese versions)
Appreciating the High Island Hexagonal Rock Columns (Chinese, English & Japanese versions)
Marine Parks and Marine Reserve (Bilingual)
Tung Ping Chau Marine Park (Bilingual)
Seaweeds in Tung Ping Chau Marine Park (Bilingual)
Yan Chau Tong Marine Park (Bilingual)
Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park (Bilingual)
Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park (Bilingual)
Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park Ecotour (Bilingual)
Cape D'Aguilar Marine Reserve (Bilingual)
Getting to know more on coral protection (Bilingual)
Visiting coral areas dCodes for SCUBA divers and snorkelers (Chinese & English versions)
Don't anchor in "No Anchoring Area" of Port Island (Chinese & English versions)
Don't anchor in "No Anchoring Area" of Sharp Island (Chinese & English versions)
Don't anchor in "No Anchoring Area" of Ung Kong Wan (Chinese & English versions)
Be aware of the Effects of Fish Nets to Chinese White Dolphin and Finless Porpoise (Chinese version only)
Marine benthic communities in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Ting Kok Coastal Guide (Bilingual)
Hong Kong Wetland Park Leaflet (English, Simplified Chinese & Traditional Chinese versions)
Wetland Tourism: A Great Experience (Bilingual)
Wetland Adventure (English, Simplified Chinese & Traditional Chinese versions)
Wetland Tour for Kids (English, Simplified Chinese & Traditional Chinese versions)
Wetlands and Agriculture: Partners for Growth (Bilingual)
Wetlands and Fisheries (Bilingual)
Wetlands Take Care of Water (Bilingual)
A Drop of Water Guided Tour (Bilingual)
Bird Watching Festival 2013/14 (Bilingual)
Watching Birds (Bilingual)
Meet the Animals and Plants in Hong Kong Wetland Park (Bilingual)
Butterfly Garden of the Hong Kong Wetland Park (Bilingual)
Knowing the Butterflies (Bilingual)
Meeting the Odonates (Bilingual)
Life in a Pond (Bilingual)
Learn about Aquatic Plants and Animals (Bilingual)
Visiting the Aquatic Plants (Bilingual)
Appreciate the Beauties of Waterside Plants (Bilingual)
Know More about Mangroves (Bilingual)
Appreciating trees at Hong Kong Wetland Park (Bilingual)
Forests for Water and Wetlands (Bilingual)
Upstream - Downstream: Wetlands Connect Us All (Bilingual)
Caring For Wetlands dan answer to Climate Change (Bilingual)
Hong Kong Attractions Fun Deals (Bilingual)
Hong Kong Herbarium (Bilingual)
Website of the Hong Kong Herbarium (Bilingual)
Photo Identification Key for Plants of Fung Shui Wood (Bilingual)
Care for Our Trees (Bilingual)
Plants named after Hong Kong (Bilingual)
The Traditional Uses of Plants (Bilingual)
Gingers of Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Native Camellias of Hong Kong (Bilingual)
The Identity of Kiwifruit (Bilingual)
The Five Most Poisonous Plants in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Stranglers (Bilingual)
The Aristolochiaceous Plants in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Does Fig-plant have flowers? (Bilingual)
Insectivorous Plants of Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Magnolias in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
The Autumn Leaves and the Hamamelidaceae of Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Native Azaleas of Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Turfgrass in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Common Ferns of Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Syzygium in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Sandy Shore Plants of Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Melastomas of Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Annonaceae (Bilingual)
Flower Structure (Bilingual)
Inflorescence (Bilingual)
Wonderful Colours (Bilingual)
Common Wood Decay Fungi of Hong Kong 1 (Bilingual)
Common Wood Decay Fungi of Hong Kong 2 (Bilingual)
Common Poisonous Mushrooms in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Shing Mun Arboretum (Bilingual)
Tai Tong Nursery d Seeds of Native Trees (Chinese version only)
Endangered Species Protection (Bilingual)
Endangered Species Resource Centre (Bilingual)
Endangered Species Protection dTraditional Chinese Medicines (Bilingual)
Endangered Species Protection dPets (Bilingual)
Endangered Species Protection dFood (Bilingual)
Endangered Species Protection dPersonal Items and Tourist Souvenirs (Bilingual)
Endangered Species Protection dOrnamental Plants (Bilingual)
Endangered Species Protection - Marine Species (Bilingual)
More Endangered Species are brought into control (Bilingual)
Endangered Species dSpecimen Donation Programme (Bilingual)
You Can Help Protect Endangered Freshwater Turtles (Bilingual)
Going Abroad? Don't Bring Back Souvenirs of Endangered Species Without a Licence (Bilingual)
Licence is required for importation and exportation of Orchids (Chinese version only)
Hong Kong Wildlife : Wild Pigs (Bilingual)
Hong Kong Living Fossil dSea Turtle (Bilingual)
Wild animal calls (Chinese version only)
Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance (Chinese & English versions)
Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance dGenetically Modified Organisms for Food, Feed or Processing (Chinese & English versions)
Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance dGenetically Modified Aquarium Fish (Chinese & English versions)
Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance dmenetically Modified Crops (Chinese & English versions)
Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance deeeds of Genetically Modified Crops (Chinese & English versions)
Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance dGenetically Modified Cut Flowers (Chinese & English versions)
Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance dLive Recombinant Veterinary Vaccines (Chinese & English versions)
Prevention of Avian Influenza dBird Management (Bilingual)
Do not keep backyard poultry (Bilingual)
Rabies is a fatal but preventable disease (Bilingual)
Rabies Vaccination (Bilingual)
Tackling Red Imported Fire Ants (Bilingual)
Pets are for life, Think before you have one (Bilingual)
Respect Life, Treat Animals Well! (Bilingual)
Love is caring for your pet’s Health (Neutering) (Bilingual)
Lost and Found (Bilingual)
Adoption (Bilingual)
A Guide to Buying a Pet (Chinese & English versions)
How to choose a suitable boarding kennel (Bilingual)
Code of Practice for Keeping Dogs on Construction Sites (Bilingual)
Dos and Don’ts for Handling Dogs in Public Places (Chinese, English, Tagalog, Indonesia & Thai)
Dos and Don’ts for Handling Dogs in Public Places (Chinese & English)
Dos and Don’ts for Handling Dogs in Public Places (Chinese & Tagalog)
Dos and Don’ts for Handling Dogs in Public Places (Chinese & Indonesian)
Dos and Don’ts for Handling Dogs in Public Places (Chinese & Thai)
Animal Trader Licence (ATL) for Pet Shops (Chinese & English versions)
Animal Trader Licence (ATL) for Food Bird Traders (Chinese & English versions)
Animal Trader Licence (ATL) for Food Reptile Traders (Chinese & English versions)
Animal Boarding Establishment Licence (ABEL) (Chinese & English versions)
Feral Cattle in Sai Kung Information and Advice (Bilingual)
Feral Cattle and Buffalo on Lantau Island Information and Advice (Bilingual)
Neuter your pet now (Bilingual) (11/2014)
Control your dogs properly (Bilingual) (12/2014)
Be Smart about using Pesticides (Bilingual)*
* Distribute alongside water bills in Jan, Feb, July and August 2015


A Guide to Hong Kong Leisure Farms 2015
Accredited Fish Farm Scheme Products (Bilingual)
Voluntary Registration Scheme for Local Pond Fish Farms (Chinese version only)
Beware of cold weather dSuggested measures for fish culture (Chinese version only)
2014 Fishermen Training Courses (Jan to Feb) (Chinese version only)
2014 Fishermen Training Courses (May to July) (Chinese version only)
Common Marine Fish in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Registration of Local Fishing Vessel (Chinese version only)
One-off Assistance to Inshore Fish Collector Owners Affected by the Trawl Ban (Chinese version only)
Report Illegal Felling of Trees (Bilingual)
No unauthorized tree felling (Bilingual)
Prevention of Hill Fires During Grave Sweeping (Bilingual)
Code of Practice for Mountain Bike Tracks in Country Park (Bilingual)
Share the Trail (Bilingual)
Code for Visiting Country Parks and Special Areas (2014) (Bilingual)
Country Parks Waste Reduction Campaign (2014) (Bilingual)
“Bring Your Own Water Bottle” Reward Scheme (2014) (Bilingual)
“My Country Parks Waste Reduction Plan” Role Play Competition for Kindergartens (2014) (Bilingual)
“Seasons Excursions” Country Parks Photography Competition (2014) (Bilingual)
Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park dVisitor's Code of Conduct (Chinese version only)
Tung Ping Chau Marine Park dVisitor's Code of Conduct (Chinese version only)
Don't anchor in "No Anchoring Area" of Port Island (Bilingual)
Don't anchor in "No Anchoring Area" of Sharp Island (Bilingual)
Don't anchor in "No Anchoring Area" of Ung Kong Wan (Bilingual)
Visiting coral areas dCodes for SCUBA divers and snorkelers (Bilingual)
Conserve Hong Kong's Corals (Bilingual)
Do not collect or damage corals (Bilingual)
Our reef-building Corals (Bilingual)
Story of Our Reef-building Corals (Bilingual)
Stranded Marine Mammals (Bilingual)
Prohibition of Collection of Marine Organisms or Their Parts in Marine Parks (Bilingual)
The Underwater World in Marine Parks of Hong Kong (Marine Fishes) (one set of 5) (Bilingual)
The Underwater World in Marine Parks of Hong Kong (Crabs and other Marine Invertebrates) (one set of 3) (Bilingual)
Marine benthic communities in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Treasure in the Sea dSea Turtle (Bilingual)
Searching for birds (Bilingual)
Bird Watching Festival 2014/15 (Bilingual)
Hong Kong Attractions Fun Deals (Bilingual)
Protect Endangered Species (Bilingual)
Protect Endangered Species dControlled Medicines (Bilingual)
Protect Endangered Species dProtected Pets (Bilingual)
Protect Endangered Species dControlled Food (Bilingual)
Protect Endangered Species dWild Animals and Plants Souvenirs (Bilingual)
Protect Endangered Species dProtected Plants (Bilingual)
Protect Endangered Species drotected Marine Species (Bilingual)
Protect Endangered Marine Species (Bilingual)
Licence is required for importation and exportation of Orchids (Chinese version only)
More Endangered Species are Brought into control (Bilingual)
Do Not Feed Monkeys (Bilingual)
Do Not Feed Wild Animals (Bilingual)
Prevent Avian Flu dApply Proper Biosecurity Measures (Chinese version only)
Prevent Avian Flu dBe Wary of Wild Birds (Bilingual)
Protect yourself from avian influenza, stop keeping backyard poultry (Bilingual)
Do not Release Cage-Reared Birds (Bilingual)
Avian Influenza Prevention dDon't bring Poultry or Birds into HK without a Valid Health Certification (Bilingual)
Requirements for Importation of Animals and Birds (Bilingual)
Rabies Prevention dDon't bring Cats and Dogs into HK without An Import Permit (Bilingual)
Stay Away from Red Fire Ants (Bilingual)
Respect Life, Treat Animals Well! (Bilingual)
Have you ever considered its Feelings? (Bilingual)
Love is caring for your pet’s health (Neutering) (Bilingual)
Love is Step by Step (Vaccination and Licensing) (Bilingual)
Love is being Responsible (Bilingual)
Love is Home (Adoption) (Bilingual)
Dos and Don’ts for Handling Dogs in Public Places (Bilingual)
Control Dogs on Construction Sites Properly (Bilingual)
Amendment of the Pesticides Ordinance (Cap. 133) takes effect on 2014.1.27 (Bilingual)
Dos and Don’ts for Handling Dogs in Public Places (Bilingual) (01/2015)


Mangroves Bookmark (one set of 3) (Bilingual)
Exploration thru Nature Bookmark (Chinese version only)
Hard Corals of Hong Kong (one set of 20) (Bilingual)
Marine Parks Bookmark (one set of 7) (Bilingual)
Marine Parks Bookmark II (one set of 6) (Bilingual)
To treasure marine resources magnetic book (Chinese version only)
Common Marine Fish in Hong Kong (Bilingual)
Respect Life, Treat Animals Well Bookmark (Bilingual)

Field Guides

Mangroves Habitats in Marine Parks of Hong Kong Field Guide (Bilingual)
A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong (Bilingual)

Souvenir Cards

Marine Parks Visitor Code Card (one set of 4) (Bilingual)

Audio/Video CDs

Hong Kong Red Tide Information Network (Bilingual)
Endangered Species Protection Liberal Studies Reference Materials (Chinese version only)
Hong Kong Wetland Park dAn Introductory Video Guide (Cantonese, Putonghua, English, Japanese & Korean versions)
Dos and Don’ts for handling dogs in public places (Cantonese, Putonghua, English, Thai, Tagalog and Indonesian versions)


Fishermen Training Calendar 2015 (Chinese version only)
Hong Kong Marine Parks Calendar 2015 (Bilingual)
Calendar for Mariculturists 2015 (Chinese version only)
Adopt a Pet, Give Them a Home Calendar Card 2015 (Chinese version only)


Codes for visiting coral areas for the public (Bilingual)
Codes for visiting coral areas for divers (Bilingual)
Codes for visiting coral areas for boaters (Bilingual)
Care for your pet (Bilingual)
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