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Strategy and Actions

Hong Kong Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2016-21)



The rich biodiversity of Hong Kong is valued, conserved, restored, sustainably managed and wisely used, thereby maintaining essential ecosystem services and sustaining a healthy and liveable place to the benefits of all people.


Our mission is to value, conserve and restore the rich biodiversity of Hong Kong, to ensure that it is sustainably managed and wisely used, and to promote the mainstreaming of biodiversity issues and values across all sectors of the society, with social and economic aspects duly considered and balanced, so that ecosystems of Hong Kong will be resilient and will continue to provide essential services, and the precious environment that supports and enriches the life of Hong Kong people will be passed on to the future generations.


In formulating Hong Kong’s first BSAP, the Government had taken into account the objectives and principles of the CBD, local economic and social priorities, as well as aspirations of the people. This BSAP had been developed through an open and participatory process such that it would be adopted and owned by a wide range of stakeholders from different sectors.

Being the first BSAP for Hong Kong, in addition to enhancing conservation measures for biodiversity, we consider that our priority should be on mainstreaming biodiversity so as to create an enabling environment. Sustained efforts will also be put into education and promotion of public awareness which are the cornerstone of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Areas of actions under the BSAP includes:


Area 1 - Enhancing conservation measures

We want to build upon the existing conservation measures and adapt them in response to changing environments. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing the management of the existing protected areas to maintain healthy ecosystems for delivering ecosystem services. Community buy-in and stakeholder engagement in biodiversity conservation work, through MA or PPP schemes for example, remain an area to focus on, while other innovative and collaborative measures that could enhance the conservation of ecologically important sites outside the protected areas will be explored. Actions are also formulated to target local species requiring specific attention, as well as endangered species threatened by illegal activities.

26 Specific Actions under Area 1

Area 2 – Mainstreaming biodiversity

Biodiversity mainstreaming refers to incorporating considerations for biodiversity conservation in sectoral plans, such as those of agriculture and fisheries, and cross-sectoral plans, such as sustainable development and climate change adaptation.

Being a long-term and incremental process requiring sustained efforts on various fronts, mainstreaming biodiversity is one of the main focuses in the first BSAP of Hong Kong. We will continue to carry on initiatives kicked off in 2013 to mainstream biodiversity within the Government. Relevant bureaux and departments will continue to incorporate biodiversity considerations into their business according to the particular situations of Hong Kong. Pioneers from different sectors will also be encouraged to share experiences on the potential for sustainable operation in bringing environmental, social and economic gains.

15 Specific Actions under Area 2

Area 3 – Improving our knowledge

Knowledge is critical to good decision-making. It ensures that right decisions are made at the right time, and resources are used effectively to bring about desired outcomes. Recognising that filling in knowledge gaps, for example through assessments or scientific research, is an essential but time-consuming step underlying other biodiversity conservation actions, we take improving knowledge as one of the action areas in the first BSAP of Hong Kong. This area covers initiatives from generating information and consolidating existing data, to collaborating with partners for establishing an information-sharing platform and supporting projects through relevant funding sources.

13 Specific Actions under Area 3

Area 4 – Promoting community involvement

While knowledge informs action, it is awareness and appreciation of biodiversity that generates the will to conserve it. Connecting people with nature and encouraging their involvement in conserving and sustainably using biodiversity are therefore important focuses in our first BSAP. As creating and fostering a biodiversity-friendly momentum in the community requires sustained effort, we expect that this will be a long-term and collaborative process.

The Government will work with sectoral partners, tertiary institutes and NGOs to deliver activities that emphasise experiential learning and direct participation in conservation work, to instil a sense of stewardship of biodiversity among participants. The Government will also continue to support incorporating the concept of biodiversity into school education, so that our future generation will have the will and knowledge to carry on biodiversity conservation.

13 Specific Actions under Area 4