Types and Admission Fees

Types and Admission Fees


Hong Kong Wetland Park offers Individual Tickets (Single Entry) for 9 persons or below), Group Tickets (Single Entry) for groups of 10 persons or more, and Multiple Entry Passes for visitors.



(A) Single Entry Tickets
For Individuals
  Standard Concession # Child (Aged below 3)
 Fee (HK$)  $30 $15 Free (No admission ticket required)
For Groups
Group Size Standard (Group discount)
Concession (Group discount)
(HKD) #
10 - 19 Persons  $27 $13.5
20 - 29 Persons  $25.5  $12.7
30 - 49 Persons  $24  $12 
50 or more Persons  $21  $10.5

# Concession includes children aged 3 to 17, full-time students, people with disabilities (PWD), one accompanying carer of a PWD (not applicable to multiple entry passes) and senior citizens aged 65 or above.

How to Purchase Tickets

(1) Purchase at Ticket Office

Visitors may visit the Ticket Office of Hong Kong Wetland Park during opening hours to purchase current day single entry tickets. Payment via cash, Octopus, EPS, Faster Payment System (FPS) and cheque (payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region") will be accepted.

(2) Electronic Ticketing System ^

Visitor can also purchase electronic tickets (single entry) at the Electronic Ticketing System of Hong Kong Wetland Park. Payment via Visa, Mastercard, JCB, UnionPay, Faster Payment System (FPS) or Mainland China's Licensed Digital Wallets will be accepted.
Click here to purchase Individual Electronic Tickets (Single Entry) (Temporarily suspended)
Click here to purchase Group Electronic Tickets (Single Entry) (Temporarily suspended)

Notes: The ticketing gates at the Atrium are out of service during the upgrading period of Hong Kong Wetland Park, admission tickets will be checked manually and electronic ticketing system will also be temporarily suspended. For details, please visit What's New.

(3) Reservation of Group Tickets 

Group visitors (more than 10 people) can reserve tickets by filling in the electronic application form, or submit by fax. Group ticket reservation is available 7 - 60 days prior to the scheduled date of visit. Successful applicants shall bring the confirmation email along to the Ticket Office on the day of visit to settle payment and collect tickets. Applicants could settle payment by cash, Octopus, EPS, Faster Payment System (FPS) or cheque (payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region").
Click here for Electronic Application System - Group Ticket Reservation
Click here to download the Group Ticket Reservation Form (in PDF format)

 ^ The electronic ticketing system supports only no more than 999 tickets per transaction.  Please contact our Ticket Office for assistance if you need to purchase more than 999 tickets in a single transaction. 


(B) Multiple Entry Passes
  Standard Concession # Family
(A set of maxmium 4 passes ^)
Fee for full year (HK$) $100 $50 $200 
Fee for half year (HK$) $50  $25

# Concession includes children aged 3 to 17, full-time students, people with disabilities (PWD) and senior citizens aged 65 or above.
^ Family member applies only to the applicant’s spouse or child (including step child and adopted child).

How to Purchase Tickets

(1) Purchase at Ticket Office

Visitors may visit the Ticket Office of Hong Kong Wetland Park during opening hours to purchase multiple entry passes. Payment via cash, Octopus, EPS, Faster Payment System (FPS) and cheque (payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region") will be accepted.
Click here to download the application form (in PDF format) 

(2) Submission of Electronic Application Form

Visitors may fill in electronic application form for multiple entry passes. The applicants will be notified within three working days to collect the pass at the Ticket Office in person. The applicant is required to pay the pass fee in cash, Octopus, EPS, Faster Payment System (FPS) or cheque, and show the relevant proof of identity for verification upon collection of pass.
Click here to submit Electronic Application Form - Individual Multiple Entry Pass
Click here to submit Electronic Application Form - Family Pass

(3) Electronic Multiple Entry Pass Application System

Visitor can also apply for multiple entry pass via the Electronic Ticketing System of Hong Kong Wetland Park. Payment via Visa, Mastercard, JCB, UnionPay, Faster Payment System (FPS) or Mainland China's Licensed Digital Wallets will be accepted.
Click here for Electronic Application System - Individual Multiple Entry Pass (Temporarily suspended)
Click here for Electronic Application System - Family Pass (Temporarily suspended)

Notes: The ticketing gates at the Atrium are out of service during the upgrading period of Hong Kong Wetland Park, admission tickets will be checked manually and electronic ticketing system will also be temporarily suspended. For details, please visit What's New.


(C) Important Details
  1. The Park does not provide add value service for Octopus.
  2. Tickets sold are non-returnable and non-refundable.
  3. For repair, maintenance, inclement weather, anti-epidemic measures or other reasons, Hong Kong Wetland Park may change or suspend any facility, activity or exhibition at any time without prior notice.
  4. All visitors should comply with the Country Parks and Special Areas Regulations (Cap 208A) of the Laws of Hong Kong and all other regulations and house rules applicable to Hong Kong Wetland Park.
  5. In case of any disputes, the decision of Hong Kong Wetland Park shall be final.


(D) Enquiries on ticketing

Telephone: (852) 2617 5218
Fascimile:   (852) 2617 4230
E-mail:        booking@wetlandpark.gov.hk

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