"A Glimpse of the Breeding Black-faced Spoonbill"

"A Glimpse of the Breeding Black-faced Spoonbill"
Hong Kong Wetland Park has specially created a film "A Glimpse of the Breeding Black-faced Spoonbill" for visitors to witness the precious moments, allowing them to understand the mating, incubation and feeding process.
Black-faced Spoonbill is a globally endangered species. The known breeding sites include small remote islands at the northeast of Changshan Qundao in Liaoning province, westward islands between North and South Korean Peninsula, and eastern costal area of far east Vladivostok Bay of Russia.
Every year, Black-faced Spoonbill overwinter in Hong Kong and Hong Kong Wetland Park is one of the easiest places to look for them. Telescopes are installed at different locations in the Hong Kong Wetland Park for ease to search for the Black-faced Spoonbill.
The film is prepared in three languages and is available at the YouTube channel of Hong Kong Wetland Park. Runtime of the film is about 10 minutes:
Cantonese - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xg0-FV_Cycc
English - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oyk45FibcOo
Mandarin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31AiE3PKf9M
Filmed by:
Mr. Yu Shiquan
Mr. Stanley Chow
Video footage on breeding spoonbills contributed by "YOUYUN - Education Workshop for Teachers on Mangrove Ecology"
(Update on 2021-06-25)