Self-paced visit plan for schools

Self-paced visit plan for schools
We produce various visit plans to facilitate teachers to conduct environmental education activities on their own. The visit plan includes itineraries, learning focus and objectives, interpretation contents and suggested activities at the Park.
Theme Suitable level Best time to visit Details Reference information
Making Friends with Wetland Animals Kindergarten Apr to Dec

Download Visit Plan (Chinese version only)

Download Worksheet

Pamphlet - "Meet the Animals and Plants in Hong Kong Wetland Park"

Explore Mangroves Primary 2 to 6 Apr to Oct

Download Visit Plan

Download Worksheet

HKWP Factsheet No. 2: Functions of Wetlands

HKWP Factsheet No. 10∶Mangrove Communities

Pamphlet - "Know More about Mangroves"

Gadgets – 3D Origami

‘Hong Kong Wetland Park Self-directed Outdoor Learning’ Resource Package Secondary 1 to 3 Whole year

More Details

Teacher Reference Materials*(Password required)

Installation and User Guide

Self-paced Visit offers
Schools that are planning to arrange self-paced visits can take an easy step to complete ticket booking and teaching aids lending procedures by filling in the registration form. Students and teachers will also receive a souvenir while visiting the Park. This programme is applicable to schools only. Click here for details.

Lending Service of Teaching Aids
To facilitate teachers conducting education activities at Hong Kong Wetland Park, we provide lending service of teaching aids for schools on their visiting days. Click here for details.

Password enquiry
Please contact School Programme Unit, HKWP for the password which is required to open the “Teacher Reference Materials” of ‘Hong Kong Wetland Park Self-directed Outdoor Learning’ Resource Package.



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