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Agricultural Park Advisory Committee

Terms of Reference and Membership of
The Agricultural Park Advisory Committee

Terms of Reference

The Agricultural Park Advisory Committee (APAC) shall advise the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation (DAFC) on:
i. the management and development of the Agricultural Park (Agri-Park); and
ii. any other matters related to the Agri-Park as referred to it by DAFC.


Mr. LAM Sai-ho, Anthony

Hon Steven HO Chun-yin, B.B.S., J.P.
Mr. LEE Koon-hung, M.H.
Mr. TSANG Chu-kwong
Ms. LEUNG Lai-sze, Stephanie
Mr. YEUNG Wan-chun
Ms. LEE Man-sa
Mr. TAM Chi-ho, Gordon
Mr. HO King-yin, Edwin
Dr. LAU Kin-wai, Eric, M.H.
Mr. LAW Cheuk-kin, Stephen, J.P.
Ms. LEE Fu-fan
Ms. LAM Pui-tung, Tendy

Representative of Environment and Ecology Bureau
Representative of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department