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dAgri enJoydScheme


The scheme aims at facilitating the development of agriculture-related ancillary activities by farms engaged in commercial crop production*, so as to enhance farmersdincome, promote their agricultural products, as well as provide visitors with meaningful and enjoyable farming experiences.ť Under the scheme, the following agriculture-related ancillary activities are endorsed by the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation:-

  • provision of "pick-your-own crops" activity;
  • on-farm sale of self-grown crops;
  • preparation of light meals with self-grown crops and non-flame cooking; and
  • provision of on-farm activities (such as guided tours, farming experiences or workshops) which aim at promoting self-grown agricultural products or farming education.
* Note 1dhe scheme is not applicable to farms which mainly offers recreational activities and/or facilities.



An applicant must be a resident or a registered company/organisation of Hong Kong and operate a crop farm that meets all of the following criteria:-

(a) actively engaged in production of crops on a commercial scale, and meet the requirement on farm area*;

(b)ťjoined either the Organic Farming Support Service or the Accredited Farm Scheme; and ť ť ťť

(c) fulfilled the requirement on maximum area of ancillary activities (i.e. the area allocated for all ancillary activities does not exceed 20% of the total area of the farm).

* Note 2n general, the production area should not be smaller than 3 dau chung (equivalent to 2,023 m2 or 21,780 ft2).ť


Application Method

If eligible farmer(s) is/are interested to join the dAgri enJoydcheme, please submit an application following the instructions laid in the dApplication Guideline for the dgri enJoydhchemedand dApplication Form for the dgri enJoydhchemed

Download the dApplication Guideline for the dgri enJoydhchemedChinese version only) ťťť(637 KB)

Download the dApplication Form for the dgri enJoydhchemed(Chinese version only) ťť(682 KB)



Please contact the following office during the business hours for enquiries on the dAgri enJoydcheme:-

Branding and Marketing Section
Tai Lung Experimental Station
Fan Kam Road, Lin Tong Mei, Sheung Shui
Tel: (852) 2668 0418ťťťťťťť Fax: (852) 2679 5443


List of dAgri enJoydFarms

The dAgri enJoydScheme has received good response since its launch in late June 2024.ť As at 24 December 2024, 65 eligible farmers have joined this scheme.ť AFCD will continueťto process the remaining applications.

ť ť ť ťťť(575 KB)


Related Information

Details about application for food factory licences or sale of restricted food permits can be found at the following websites:

ť ť ťťwww.fehd.gov.hk/english/howtoseries/forms/new/FF.pdf

ť ť ťťwww.fehd.gov.hk/english/howtoseries/forms/new/Non-bottle_etc.PDF



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