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FAQ on Application for Wholesale Market Facilities

How to rent a market stall in one of AFCD wholesale food markets?

AFCD manages over 1000 market stalls and trade offices in the Government wholesale food markets. Advertisement on vacancy of the stalls or offices will be posted in the market notice boards. Interested parties may contact the respective market offices for enquiries:-

  1. Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Food Market (tel: 2307 9220)
  2. Western Wholesale Food Market (tel: 2803 7012); and
  3. Cheung Sha Wan Temporary Wholesale Poultry Market (tel: 2745 4461)
  4. North District Temporary Wholesale Market for Agricultural Products (tel: 2786 4617)

The applicant may obtain an application form from the market office. Duly completed application form should be returned to the respective market office before the deadline for receiving applications as specified in the advertisement. In case the demand exceeds supply, eligible applicants would be invited to participate in an open balloting exercise to allocate the stalls.

Application for Variation of Renter/Ownership Details (for existing tenant's application only) (Chinese only)

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