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Specialty vegetable crops

Technical Development

Premium Vegetables

Asparagus Lettuce

Cultivation of Asparagus Lettuce
Environmental response : Asparagus Lettuce generally grows well in cool and dry climates and favours to grow in a well-drained sandy loam or loam soil at pH 5.8~6.5 with high organic matter content.
Planting : Seeds are sown in cool seasons from October to February. Seedlings with 4~5 true leaves at about 20 days old are suitable for transplantation. Spacing of about 30 cm between plants is recommended.
Nutritional requirement and Crop management :

A basal dressing consisting of compost (330 kg/d.c.), peanut meal (75 kg/d.c.) and bone meal (75 kg/d.c.) is recommended.

The first top dressing of peanut meal (35 kg/d.c.) should be applied 10 days after transplanting. Two to three more top dressings of compound fertilizer. (N:P:K:Mg = 12:12:17:2) at the rate of 10 kg/d.c. are required every 10~15 days thereafter.

It is best suited to sunny and not humid environments.

(1 d.c. = 0.0674 ha.)

Harvest : Asparagus Lettuce is ready for harvest at 60~70 days after sowing when the succulent stem is 35 cm or above in length prior to bolting.

Horticulture Section, AFCD

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