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Fisheries education

Lions Nature Education Centre - Fisheries Hall

The Fisheries Hallťof the Lions Nature Education Centre is an exhibition hall with the fisheries industry as its theme, featuring the history and latest development of capture and aquaculture fisheries of Hong Kong.

Lions Nature Education Centre
Fisheries Hall

Fisheries RelatedťPublication

Commercial Crustaceans in Hong Kong

Mariculture management booklet (Chinese version only)

Pond culture management booklet (Chinese version only)

Fish feed management booklet (Chinese version only)

Fish disease prevention booklet (Chinese version only)

Fry health management booklet (Chinese version only)

Leaflet on Mosquito Control in Fish Ponds (Chinese Version only)

Avoid releasing Expanded Polystyrene foam to marine environment - Guidelines for mariculture rafts (Chinese Version only)

Avoid releasing Expanded Polystyrene foam to marine environment - Guidelines for wholesale fish markets & fishing vessels (Chinese Version only)

Antimicrobial Application and Antimicrobial Resistance (Chinese version only)

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Hong Kong Fish Net

Hong Kong Fish Net

The Hong Kong Fish Net (www.hk-fish.net) is a bi-lingual website set up by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) to enable the public to have a better understanding of the local capture fisheries and the rich fisheries resources in Hong Kong waters. The website introduces general fisheries-related information, such as different types of fishing vessels and fishing methods used by Hong Kong fishermen, and the history of ichthyological study by the government. The website also contains the "Hong Kong Marine Fauna Database", which is the first local database consisted of pictures and scientific information of over 1,000 marine fish and commercial crustaceans recorded in Hong Kong and adjacent waters. We hope that the website can serve as a platform to foster ichthyological research and education, as well as to raise public awareness on the need and importance of fisheries resources conservation in Hong Kong.ť

Artificial Reef Project

Red Tide

Antimicrobial Resistance

World Health Organization

ť Telephone No.
Lions Nature Education Centre 2792 2234

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