‘Enjoy our Wetlands’ Guided Tour for the Communities Application Form
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* Mandatory fields
注意事項  Notes to Applicants

1. 是項導賞活動是專為20人至40人的註冊非牟利團體、慈善機構或社會服務團體而設。導賞時間為每天上午10:30或下午2:30,行程約一小時。
All charitable or non-profit making organisations registered in Hong Kong with a visiting group of 20 to 40 participants are eligible for the application for this guided tour. The one-hour guided service is available every day at 10:30 and 14:30.

2. 導賞團名額有限,報名以先到先得方式處理。申請必須於活動前兩星期至三個月內遞交。Limited places are available. Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Application should be made from 3 months to 2 weeks prior to the activity date.

3. 如須申請多於一個導賞活動,請另行提交表格。
Please submit a separate form for applying for more than one guided tour.

4. 香港濕地公園將於收到表格後七個工作天內聯絡有關團體聯絡人。如屆時聯絡人仍未收到任何通知,請電郵至 volunteer@wetlandpark.gov.hk 與我們聯絡。
HKWP will contact the person-in-charge within 7 working days after the application is received. If the applying organisation does not receive any notification, please contact us by e-mail at volunteer @wetlandpark.gov.hk

5. 團體請準時到達香港濕地公園,以免影響當日參觀安排。如團體遲到超過30分鐘,所預約之服務或會被自動取消。
In order not to affect the visiting schedule and tour arrangement on the visit day, please arrive at HKWP on time. Pre-booked services would be cancelled if the organisation is late for more than 30 minutes.

6. 如於活動前兩小時,天文台發出紅色或黑色暴雨警告或三號或以上熱帶氣旋警告,活動將會取消而不作另行通知,而原定的活動不會獲改期安排。 
All scheduled activity will be cancelled without prior notice, if the Red/Black Rainstorm Warning, or Tropical Cyclone Warning No. 3 or above is in effect 2 hours before the activity.

7. 活動期間,若天文台發出雷暴警告、暴雨警告(黃色、紅色或黑色)、一號或以上熱帶氣旋警告或遇上其他不穩定天氣(如:下雨),原定之戶外活動或會被取消。 取消之活動將不設延期或補辦安排。
In the event of unstable weather conditions (such as raining) or any of the following weather warning(s), including the Thunderstorm Warning, Rainstorm Warning (Amber, Red or Black) and Tropical Cyclone Warning No. 1 or above is issued during the activity, the outdoor activity may be cancelled. There will be no rescheduling arrangement for the cancelled activity.

8. 本公園正進行展覽及訪客設施提升,訪客中心內的展覽及訪客設施暫停開放。如因遇上不穩定或惡劣天氣而需取消原定的導賞活動,恕本公園未能提供雨天行程。請團體負責人在到訪公園前密切留意當日的天氣狀況,以做好相應的準備和安排。
HKWP has temporarily closed the indoor galleries and visitor facilities in the Visitor Centre for upgrading works. If the scheduled guided tour has to be cancelled due to unstable or inclement weather, the park will not be able to provide alternative itineraries. Person-in-charge of the group is suggested to pay attention to the weather conditions before visiting the Park and make necessary preparations and arrangements.

9. 香港濕地公園保留所有有關此活動的最終決定權。
Hong Kong Wetland Park reserves all rights regarding this programme.
個人資料(私隱)收集聲明  Personal Data Collection Statement

1. 申請人所提供的資料,只供申請此活動之用。根據個人資料(私隱)條例,你有權要求查閱及更正所提供的個人資料。如你欲查閱或更正個人資料,你可隨時電郵至 volunteer@wetlandpark.go.vhk 與香港濕地公園義工分組聯絡。
The personal data provided by means of this form will be used solely for application of this activity. The applicant has the right to request access to and correct his/her own personal data in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. If you wish to access or correct your personal data, you can notify the Volunteer Unit, Hong Kong Wetland Park anytime by emailing to volunteer@wetlandpark.gov.hk. 

2. 個人資料的提供純屬自願。如果你不提供充分的資料,本公園未必能夠處理你的申請。
The provision of personal data is voluntary. If you do not provide sufficient information, Hong Kong Wetland Park may not be able to process your application.
團體名稱 Name of Organisation: *
地址 Address:*
電話號碼 Telephone No.:*
傳真號碼 Fax No.:
聯絡人姓名 Name of Contact Person: *
手提電話號碼 Mobile Phone No.:*
電郵 E-mail Address:
導賞日期  Date of Tour 
Application should be made from 3 months to 2 weeks prior to the activity date. Please submit a separate form for applying for more than one guided tour.

第一選擇 1st Choice*
時間 (第一選擇) Time (1st Choice)*
第二選擇 2nd Choice
時間 (第二選擇) Time (2nd Choice)
第三選擇 3rd Choice
時間 (第三選擇) Time (3rd Choice)
參與人數 ( 20-40人,包括隨行工作人員)
No. of Participants (20-40, including staff)*
隨行工作人員人數 No. of Leaders / Staff / Assistants*
This part should be completed by the authorised officer of the organisation. The undersigned hereby certifies that all the information provided on this form is correct and complete.
Signature of Authorised Officer*
Name of Authorised Officer (in BLOCK LETTER)*
Organisation Chop*
Verification Code
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