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Sea turtles recorded in Hong Kong

Green Turtles - general

Green Turtles are so far the only species known to breed locally. Adults attain a maximal carapace length of about 120 cm and a weight of about 200 kg, ranked just behind the Leatherback Turtles in terms of size and weight among sea turtles.


Are green turtles really green?

The carapaces of the adults are broad and oval-shaped, dark brown to grey in colour. Their common name "Green Turtle" is actually derived from their fat which gives a dull greyish green appearance. The fat and cartilage of green turtles were used in the making of soup - a delicacy on the western menu.

What do they eat?

Juveniles green turtles feed on jelly fish, small fish and shrimps. The adults would switch to a predominantly vegetarian diet with algae as the major staples. Unlike green turtles, other sea turtles prefer a meaty diet.

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