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FARMFEST 2025 Organizers are now inviting booth vendors for participating in “FARMFEST 2025”. Interested parties please refer to the documents below or visit www.farmfest.hk for further particulars.The deadline for application of Agricultural and Floral and Fisheries booths is 18 September 2024. Late application will not be considered.

FARMFEST 2025 Booth Vendor Regulation and Application Form (Agricultural and Floral) (Chinese version only)


Secretariat for FARMFEST 2025 Organizing Committee





“Fisheries Development Loan Fund” (FDLF) Loans Mortgaged Fishing Vessels Public Auction


     Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department has commissioned Associated Surveyors & Auctioneers Ltd. to conduct a public auction of mortgaged steel hull fishing vessels of two FDLF loans at 11:30 a.m. on 25 September 2024 (Wednesday). Please visit the following link for details of the public auction:


     For enquiries on the public auction of the two mortgaged fishing vessels, please dial: 2522 2088 or by email at admin@associated.com.hk



Government to remove oyster rafts not authorised to temporarily remain in Deep Bay starting from next month


     The Government's inter-departmental working group responsible for tackling management issues of oyster rafts in Deep Bay announced today (May 23) that in accordance with the first phase of the management plan, existing oyster rafts in Deep Bay without authorisation to temporarily remain (i.e. oyster rafts without markers) will be removed starting from next month.

     The working group announced on July 25, 2023 that a freezing survey of the number and locations of oyster rafts in Deep Bay had completed. Last September, based on results of the freezing survey, the working group requested relevant local oyster farmers to submit records of their oyster cultivation activities. Subsequently, the working group provided markers with unique identification numbers to farmers which had submitted records, and required them to attach these markers to their corresponding oyster rafts for the working group to inspect.

     Oyster rafts attached with markers provided by the working group may temporarily remain in Deep Bay, and the working group will handle these rafts in the next phase of the management plan. Other oyster farmers in the area must remove oyster rafts without the said markers and all associated items on or before May 31. Otherwise, the working group will take appropriate action starting from next month under the Shipping and Port Control Ordinance (Cap. 313), including removal of such rafts.

     A spokesman for the working group said, "Oyster rafts without markers provided by the working group are not permitted to remain in Deep Bay after May 31. Otherwise, they will be removed accordingly, and relevant persons may also be legally liable. The working group will assess factors such as navigational safety, water quality, and environmental conditions in Deep Bay, as well as the condition of oyster rafts authorised to temporarily remain in the next stage. With reference to this assessment, the working group will determine the culture area, actual number of oyster rafts, and culture locations to be permitted for oyster cultivation in Deep Bay under the management plan."

     The Government's inter-departmental working group consists of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, the Lands Department, the Hong Kong Police Force, the Marine Department, the Environmental Protection Department, and the Home Affairs Department. Members of the public can call 2150 7093, fax to 2314 2866 or email mailbox@afcd.gov.hk to contact the working group.


Thursday, May 23, 2024



Further Support to Owners of Fishing Vessels and Fish Collector Vessels with Mainland Deckhands (2022.10.31)


As resumption of operation of local fishing vessels and fish collector vessels with Mainland deckhands continues to be affected amid COVID-19 epidemic, the Government will provide further financial relief to their owners under the Anti-epidemic Fund.  A subsidy of $80,000 per vessel will be provided to eligible owners of each fishing vessel or fish collector vessel.  Application for the subsidy opens on 1 November 2022 and the deadline is 28 February 2023.


The AFCD would invite the eligible vessel owners who have already successfully applied for the relevant subsidy under the sixth round of the Anti-epidemic Fund to make applications. To simplify the application process, the AFCD would assist to fill in the application forms for those owners based on existing information as far as possible and mail the application forms to their correspondence addresses. Those who wish to apply for the subsidy would only need to check and confirm the information on the application form, provide updates where required, sign the form, and mail it back to the AFCD or put it into the drop-in box on the ground floor of the Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices during the application period.


For other vessel owners who have not successfully applied for the relevant subsidy under the sixth round of the Anti-epidemic Fund, please download and complete the application form below (Chinese only) to make application:


Press here to download application form

Press here to download authorisation form (if applicable)

Press here to download consent form for designating a recipient for the subsidy (if applicable)


For enquiries, please call 9308 5022 / 9308 5012 during office hours.



The Sixth Round of the Anti-epidemic Fund Opens for Application (Fisheries)


As the business and operation of the wholesalers operating in the fresh food wholesale markets, and local primary producers have been considerably affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government will provide financial relief under the sixth round of the Anti-epidemic Fund. In addition, a one-off interest-free repayment deferral for a period of one year to loan borrowers of the Fisheries Development Loan Fund (FDLF) is also provided.


A subsidy of $100,000 will be provided to each live marine fish wholesaler in Fish Marketing Organization (FMO) markets; $20,000 to each fresh marine fish wholesaler in FMO markets; $20,000 to the owner of each fishing vessel or fish collector vessel with Mainland deckhands; and $10,000 to the owner or operator of each marine fish culture farm, pond fish farm, fishing vessel and fish collector vessel without hiring Mainland deckhands.


The AFCD would invite wholesalers, farmers and fishermen who have successfully applied for the first and second rounds of the "Anti-epidemic Fund" and who are eligible to apply for the sixth round of the "Anti-epidemic Fund" to submit applications. To simplify the application process, the AFCD would assist to fill in the application information in the relevant application forms for the applicants as far as possible, and send the application forms by post to their correspondence addresses or directly pass the forms to the merchants. The majority would only need to check the information on the application form and provide basic information, sign the form and send it back together with copies of the required documents, to the AFCD by post, or put in the drop-in box at relevant offices within the application period.


Applications for the subsidies will start on February 21.  For enquiries, please call the following hotlines according to the respective sectors.


Sector Hotlines Application Form (Chinese version only) Application deadline
Live and Fresh marine fish wholesalers in Fish Marketing Organization (FMO) markets 2150 7103 Not applicable 4 April 2022
Marine fish culture farms 2150 6802 Not applicable 4 April 2022
Pond fish farms 2471 9567 Not applicable 4 April 2022
Owners of fishing vessels and fish collector vessels with Mainland deckhands hired 9308 5022
9308 5012

Not applicable

20 May 2022
Owners of fishing vessels and fish collector vessels without hiring Mainland deckhands 2150 7109 Not applicable 20 May 2022
Loan borrowers under the FDLF 2150 7095
2150 7145
Not applicable Not applicable





AFCD conducts exercise to test red tide outbreak response


On June 15 to 17, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) in conjunction with the Food and Health Bureau, the Marine Department, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, the Environmental Protection Department, the Department of Health, the Water Supplies Department, the Hong Kong Observatory, the Red Tide Expert Advisory Group (RTEAG) and mariculturist, carried out an exercise to review the departments’ preparedness in combating red tide or harmful algal bloom (HAB) causing fish kill in Hong Kong. The exercise followed a hypothetical scenario involving the detection of a potentially toxic algal species, which is harmful to fish, at densities above the normal level in one of the fish culture zones in Hong Kong, triggering the "Alert" mode of response under the Red Tide/HAB Contingency Plan. The exercise was completed successfully.


The exercise was conducted in two parts, namely a Table-top Exercise and a Hands-on Exercise. The Table-top Exercise tested the effectiveness of information exchange and dissemination among relevant government departments, the mariculturists concerned, and members of the RTEAG, in response to red tide or HAB. The Hands-on Exercise, on the other hand, examined personnel mobilisation and equipment deployment on tackling such conditions among relevant departments, the effectiveness of risk assessment, and preparedness for possible large-scale fish kill and raft relocation.


Lab Photo      Field Photo



Latest Fishermen Training Courses


Please refer to the Chinese version for detailed information:




Subsidies to fresh marine fish wholesale traders

The operation and business of fresh marine fish wholesale trading have been mainly affected by the serious and prolonged impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the food sector. The government therefore provides a subsidy of $40,000 to each eligible fresh marine fish wholesale trader in the Fish Marketing Organization (FMO) markets.

Application for subsidies to fresh marine fish wholesale traders under the Anti-epidemic Fund is closed. Successful applicants will receive the subsidy in crossed cheques by post.

Enquiry telephone number: 2150 7103



Subsidies for Fishing Vessels and Fish Collector Vessels Owners

The operation and business of the local fishing vessels and fish collector vessels have been mainly affected by the serious and prolonged impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the food business sector. The government therefore offers a subsidy of $10,000 to each eligible owner.

Application for subsidies to local fishing vessels and fish collector vessels owners under the Anti-epidemic Fund is closed. Successful applicants will receive the subsidy in crossed cheques by post.

Enquiry telephone number: 9308 5022



Subsidies for Marine Fish Culture Farm Owners

The operation and business of marine fish culture farms have been mainly affected by the serious and prolonged impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the food business sector. The government therefore provides a subsidy of $10,000 to each eligible marine fish culture farm owner.

Application for subsidies to marine fish culture farm owners under the Anti-epidemic Fund is closed. Successful applicants will receive the subsidy in crossed cheques by post.

Enquiry telephone number: 2150 7109



Subsidies for Pond Fish Culture Farm Owners

The operation and business of pond fish culture farms have been mainly affected by the serious and prolonged impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the food business sector. The government therefore provides a subsidy of $10,000 to each eligible pond fish culture farm owner.

Application for subsidies to pond fish culture farm owners under the Anti-epidemic Fund is closed. Successful applicants will receive the subsidy in crossed cheques by post.

Enquiry telephone number: 2471 9567



NEW "Accredited Fish Farm Scheme" Guideline


The "Accredited Fish Farm Scheme" aims to improve the management and production level of aquaculture farms by promoting good aquaculture methods, production process standards and pre-sales testing, and to provide aquatic product certification services to participating farms. From time to time, the Department updates the contents of the Scheme to meet the requirements of the certification. The new version of the handbook also contains additional requirements for crab farming and certification under the "Accredited Fish Farm Scheme". Click here to download the new version of the manual(only in Chinese).



Accredited Fish Farm Scheme

An interactive exhibition corner featuring local "Accredited Fish Farm Scheme" (AFFS) is newly on display in the Fisheries Hall of Lions Nature Education Centre (LNEC), Sai Kung. For details, please visit https://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/country/cou_lea/cou_lea_ven/lions.html



Good Aquaculture Practice


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