家庭入场证 - 电子申请表格
Family Pass - Electronic Application Form
  • 第 1 步
  • 第 2 步
  • 第 3 步
  • 第 4 步
* 为必须填写
  1. 票务处收妥有关申请表格后,将于 3 个工作天内通知申请人到票务处领取入场证,届时请以现金、八达通、易办事、转数快、中国内地电子钱包(支付宝、微信支付、银联云闪付)或支票缴付所需款项,并出示相关身份证明文件以作核实。
  2. 申请人必须填写所有 (*) 栏目的资料,并于领取入场证时接受票务处职员为其拍照以列印在入场证上作持证人入场识别用途。若申请人未能提供有关资料或接受有关持证人入场识别的安排,本公园保留权利不办理有关之申请。另外,申请优惠入场证须出示有效证明文件 (如学生证或残疾人士登记证),以证明申请人合资格领取有关优惠。
Notes to Applicant
  1. We will notify the applicant within 3 working days to collect the Pass. The applicant is required to pay the pass fee in cash, Octopus, EPS, Faster Payment System (FPS), Mainland China's Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay or UnionPay) or Cheque at the Ticket Office, and show the relevant proof of identity for verification upon collection of pass.

  2. Applicant(s) MUST provide all information required in the fields marked with (*) and, upon collection of the Pass, allow the Ticket Office staff to take a photo of him/her for printing on the Pass for Pass holder entry identification purpose. If applicant(s) cannot provide any of the mandatory information required or accept the arrangement related to Pass holder entry identification, the Park reserves the right not to process the application. Besides, applicant(s) of Concessionary Pass must provide valid documentary proof (e.g. student identity card or registration card for people with disabilities) to prove that he/she is eligible for the concession.

家庭入场证 申请(网上表格)(使用条款及细则)
请注意:香港湿地公园为提升园内设施,将不时进行改善工程(包括但不限于暂定由 2022 年下旬至 2026 年的大型展览设施提升)。施工期间公园的部分设施(包括但不限于访客中心内的展馆、休憩及儿童设施)将会暂停开放,详情将于公园网页公布,访客到访公园前敬请留意。



  1. 公园的设施、活动和展览会因维修、保养、恶劣天气、防疫措施或其他理由,在任何时间内更改或暂停开放,而不作事先通知。 
  2. 所有访客须遵守香港法例第 208A 章《郊野公园及特别地区规例》,第 599 章《预防及控制疾病条例》及相关法例,以及所有适用于香港湿地公园的规例和场馆规则。
  3. 在任何情况下,多次入场证售出后概不接受退换或退款。 
  4. 如有任何争议,香港湿地公园保留最终决定权。
Family Pass Application (Online Form) (Terms and Conditions of Use)
Attention: To enhance its facilities, Hong Kong Wetland Park will carry out improvement works from time to time (including but not limited to a large-scale exhibition facilities upgrading scheduled tentatively from the second half of 2022 to 2026). During the works period, some of its facilities (including but not limited to galleries, leisure and kid facilities in the Visitor Centre) will be closed. Details will be announced on the Park’s website. Visitors should pay attention to the latest announcement on the Park’s website before the visit.  

Applicant must read and agree with the Terms and Conditions of Use of Multi-entry Pass (the Pass) listed below and submit it together with the completed application form for new application or renewal of the Pass. Otherwise, the Park may not be able to process the application. 

Terms and Conditions of Use

  1. For repair, maintenance, inclement weather, epidemic prevention measures or other reasons, the Park may change or suspend any facility, activity or exhibition at any time without prior notice. 
  2. All visitors shall comply with the Country Parks and Special Areas Regulations (Cap. 208A), Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Cap. 599) and its subsidiary legislations, and all other regulations and house rules applicable to the Park. 
  3. The Pass is non-returnable and non-refundable under all circumstances.
  4. In case of any disputes, the decision of the Park shall be final.
I understand and agree with the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Pass of listed above.

家庭入场证 Family Pass
收费 Fees

Family (A set of maximum 4 passes)
全年收费 (港币)
Fees for full year(HK$)

# 优惠票包括:3岁至17岁小童、全日制学生、残疾人士及65岁或以上长者。

# Concession includes children aged 3 to 17, full-time students, people with disabilities (PWD) and senior citizens aged 65 or above.

Applicant’s Particulars

英文姓名 Name in English
(请用大楷填写) (in BLOCK letters):*
中文姓名 Name in Chinese
联络电话 Telephone No.*
电子邮件地址 Email Address*

Family Members’ Particulars

家庭成员 1
Family Member 1

英文姓名 Name in English
(请用大楷填写) (in BLOCK letters):*
中文姓名 Name in Chinese
联络电话 Telephone No.
票种 Type*
与申请人关系 (须为申请人的配偶或子女):
Relationship with the Applicant (Applicable to the Applicant’s spouse or child only)*

家庭成员 2
Family Member 2

英文姓名 Name in English
(请用大楷填写) (in BLOCK letters):
中文姓名 Name in Chinese
联络电话 Telephone No.
票种 Type
与申请人关系 (须为申请人的配偶或子女):
Relationship with the Applicant (Applicable to the Applicant’s spouse or child only)

家庭成员 3
Family Member 3

英文姓名 Name in English
(请用大楷填写) (in BLOCK letters):
中文姓名 Name in Chinese
联络电话 Telephone No.
票种 Type
与申请人关系 (须为申请人的配偶或子女):
Relationship with the Applicant (Applicable to the Applicant’s spouse or child only)

申请人所提供的资料,将会用作申请香港湿地公园全年 / 半年 / 家庭入场证、作持证人进入香港湿地公园的识别及以电邮传送有关香港湿地公园的资料。个人资料的提供纯属自愿。如果申请人不提供充分的资料,本公园未必能够处理该申请。本公园可能会因应上述目的而将表格上的任何个人资料向执法机构、其他政府部门或相关机构披露。除根据个人资料(私隐)条例下的豁免,申请人有权要求查阅及更正所提供的个人资料。查阅及更正个人资料,以及不希望收取本公园以电邮发出的资讯的要求,应以电邮 info@wetlandpark.gov.hk 传送至香港湿地公园行政主任。


  1. 每证只限证上列明之持有人于指定限期内多次入场使用。
  2. 续证申请只限持证人提出。
  3. 入场证不得转让。持证人须在香港湿地公园职员要求时,出示有效身分证明文件。如发现违规使用,公园职员有权检取有关入场证。
  4. 持证人需于香港湿地公园开放时间内出示入场证方可进入香港湿地公园。
  5. 入场证售出后概不接受退换或退款。
  6. 参观者须遵守香港法例第 208A 章《郊野公园及特别地区规例》,以及所有适用于香港湿地公园的规例或场馆规则。家庭入场证必须为不多于 4人的一组人士( 并只可供该等人士使用),每人均年满 3 岁(三岁以下小童可免费入场),其中某人为组内另一人的父母、继父母或领养父母,而在组内其余的人士均为该某人的配偶、子女、继子女或领养子女。
  7. 入场证如有遗失或损毁,不设补发。
  8. 有效日期由发证 / 续证日起计算。 
Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Notification

The personal data provided by the applicant will be used for the application of Hong Kong Wetland Park Annual / Half-year / Family Pass, identification of Pass holder for entry of Hong Kong Wetland Park and emailing of information about Hong Kong Wetland Park. The provision of personal data is voluntary. If the applicant does not provide sufficient information, the Park may not be able to process the application. Hong Kong Wetland Park may disclose any information contained on this form to law enforcement agencies, other government bureaux and departments, and any relevant parties for the purposes mentioned above. Subject to exemptions under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the applicant has a right of access and correction with regard to personal data. Request for personal data access and correction, as well as not receiving any emails of information about Hong Kong Wetland Park, should be addressed to the Executive Officer of Hong Kong Wetland Park by emailing to info@wetlandpark.gov.hk.

Conditions of Use

  1. Each Pass is for multiple-entry admission during the specified validity period for the person specified hereof only.
  2. Applicant(s) for renewal must be the Pass holder(s) himself/herself.
  3. The Pass is non-transferable. Pass holder should provide valid proof of identity upon request by staff of the Hong Kong Wetland Park. The staff has the right to seize the Pass if it is misused.
  4. Pass holder shall enter the Hong Kong Wetland Park during opening hours by presenting the Pass for admission.
  5. The Pass is non-returnable and non-refundable.
  6. All visitors should comply with the Country Parks and Special Areas Regulations, Cap. 208A of the Laws of Hong Kong and all other regulations and house rulesapplicable to the Hong Kong Wetland Park. The Family Pass must only be issued to and used by a group of not more than 4 persons each aged 3 or above (No admission fee is required for child below 3) where a person in the group is the parent, step-parent or adoptive parent of another person in the group, and each of the remaining persons in the group is the spouse, child, stepchild or adopted child of the first mentioned person.
  7. In case of loss or damage, the Pass will not be replaced.
  8. Period of validity is counted from the date of Pass issuance / renewal.
声明 Declaration
I declare to the best of my knowledge that the information given above is correct. I understand and agree that if the information given is untrue, or if the above conditions of use are not complied with, this application will be void.*

本人 (同意 / 不同意) 于日后以电邮接收有关香港湿地公园的资讯。*
I (agree / do not agree) to receive information about Hong Kong Wetland Park by email in the future*

(如适用) 本人希望收取上述资讯的语言为:
(If applicable) I prefer to receive the above information in