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Procedures for access to information

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e form e-Form

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  1. The Deputy Departmental Secretary/General is designated as the Access to Information Officer of this Department. She is responsible for ensuring that requests for access to information under the Code are properly dealt with in accordance with the specified procedures.
  2. Requests for information or records held by the Department may be made by letter or Access to Information Application Form Click here to download Access to Information Application Form (41.0KB)    e-FormiAM Smart available on this website / obtainable from the Reception Counter of this Department on the 5/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon. The completed application form should be addressed to :


    Access to Information Officer
    Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department


    By Post: 5/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon
    By fax: 2311 3731
    By email: mailbox@afcd.gov.hk


  3. The following information is available on the Internet. (Hard copy of the information is also available for public inspection at the Reception Counter of this Department at the above mentioned address) :

    1. organisation charts, description of main services and functions, aims and programme areas;
    2. statements of performance pledges;
    3. a list of records by categories held by the Department which the public may have access to; and
    4. a list of information published or made available, either free of charge or at a cost.  
  4. For enquiries, please telephone 2150 6655 during office hours.


Other than publications which are available free of charge, or at a price specified, the prevailing standard photocopying charge (black and white) is HK$1.5 per photocopy (A4 size) and HK$1.6 per photocopy (A3 size). This fee is to apply unless otherwise provided by enactment or approved by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury.

The above charge is subject to revision from time to time.


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