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Exemption of GMOs from the Controls of the Ordinance

The Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) (Exemption) Notice (the Notice), commenced on 23 June 2012, exempts all varieties of GM papaya and any GMO that is contained in a veterinary vaccine (i.e. live recombinant veterinary vaccine) from the application of section 5 of the Ordinance, which provides that a person must not knowingly cause a GMO to be released into the environment or maintain the life of a GMO that is in a state of being released into the environment.


The Notice also exempts two commercialised varieties of GM papaya (viz. the variety with the unique identifier code CUH-CP551-8 (also known as 55-1) and the variety with the transformation event code Huanong 1) and live recombinant veterinary vaccines from the application of section 7 of the Ordinance, which provides that a person must not knowingly import a GMO that is intended for release into the environment.


Upon the commencement, it is not an offence under the Ordinance that a person grows or maintains a GM papaya in the field or administers a live recombinant veterinary vaccine to an animal. On the other hand, prior approval from the Director is required for the import for environmental release of unexempted GM papaya, including newly developed GM varieties.