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J.E. Joseph Trust Fund

Technical support and financial assistance

Loan Fund and Emergency Relief

J.E. Joseph Trust Fund

  • The fund was established in 1954 under J.E. Joseph Trust Fund Ordinance. The capital of the Fund is $4,261,107 of which $459,554 was the original amount paid to the Trustee (currently the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation) in 1954, $1,553 was a further payment made by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking (Trustee) Ltd. in 1961; $750,000 was donated by the Government in July, 1957 as a special relief fund following the disastrous floods in May of that year, $3,000,000 was a private donation received in September 1991 and the balance of $50,000 was donated by the agricultural industry in 1997.

  • The fund is vested in the Registrar of Co-operative Societies (currently held by the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation) as the Trustee.

  • Loans from this Fund are granted to farmers' co-operative societies and individual farmers for use either as development or working capital. The co-operative societies relent the money to their members at low interest rates.

  • During 2023/2024, a total of 7 loans amounting to $ 1,400,000 were issued to farmers.


Application & Enquiry

Agricultural Extension Office, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Address   : 5th floor, Yuen Long Government Offices,Tai Kiu Market, Yuen Long, N.T.
Telephone: 2476 2424


Download application form

  • J.E. Joseph Trust Fund Application Form (Individual) (Chinese version only)   pdf(259KB)   e-Form
    • Appendix I : Letter of guarantee  (Chinese version only)   pdf(281KB)

  • J.E. Joseph Trust Fund Application Form (Cooperative) (Chinese version only)   pdf(220kb)   e-FormiAM Smart

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