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Country & Marine Parks

Permit for the following activities is required if conduct inside Marine Parks









To moor or anchor a vessel outside the designated mooring site

$180 for each event


8 working days in advance


To display sign, notice, poster, banner or advertisement


To hold any public meeting, boating or other sporting competition


To hold an event for raising funds


To operate any power-driven model boat or aeroplane


To navigate specified vessel

$510 per year


To duplicate a permit

$100 for each permit



To carry on an activity for business

commercial filming

$180 for each event

cargo loading/ unloading/ transhipment **


3 working days in advance

Application Procedures of Marine Parks Permit

Please complete the application form and deliver it to Marine Parks Division, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department by mail, email or fax (Address: Unit 2209, 22/F, CDW Building, 388 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T.; Email: marineparks_permit@afcd.gov.hk; Fax No.: 3468 3015)

Permit to Conduct Controlled Activity in Marine Parks/Marine Reserves

  Microsoft Word Form PDF Form e-Form iAM Smart
Permit to Conduct Controlled Activity in Marine Parks/ Marine Reserves -   Application Form (31KB) (271KB) e-Form iAM Smart

Permit to Conduct Cargo loading/ Unloading/ Transhipment Activity at Mooring Sites in The Brothers Marine Park

  Application Guideline

Application Form

(Microsoft Word Form)

Application Form

(PDF Form)

e-Form iAM Smart
Ocean going vessels  (158KB) (26.5KB) (107KB) e-Form iAM Smart
River trade vessels  (158KB) (26.5KB) (107KB) e-Form e-Form


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For enquiries, please contact Marine Parks Division at 3468 3452 / 3468 3447 for more details of permit application before the submission.