Since the launch of BSAP in December 2016, all relevant Government bureaux and departments and other external stakeholders have been implementing specific actions in the BSAP that are under their purviews. The progress of implementation will be reported to the Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE) on an annual basis.
Progress report discussed in ACE meeting – February 2018
Progress report discussed in ACE meeting – March 2019
Progress report discussed in ACE meeting – May 2020
Progress report discussed in ACE meeting – May 2021
Progress report discussed in ACE meeting – September 2023
Area 1 - Enchancing conservation measures
- Black-faced Spoonbill Species Action Plan 2024 - 2028 published (December 2023)
- Green Turtle Species Action Plan 2023 - 2027 published (August 2023)
- Incense Tree Species Action Plan 2023 - 2027 published (June 2023)
- Designation of South Lantau Marine Park (June 2022)
- Romer's Tree Frog Species Action Plan 2022 - 2027 published (March 2022)
- Hong Kong Wetland Park Habitat Management Plan updated (May 2021)
- Expansion of the restricted area at Sham Wan, Lamma Island, and extension of the restricted period for strengthening the protection of green turtles (April 2021)
- First Stage of the Development of the Long Valley Nature Park (2020 – 2024)
- Coral Restoration Study in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park – 3D-printed Reef Tiles (December 2020)
- Implementation of New Fisheries Management Strategy in Marine Parks (April 2020)
- Designation of Southwest Lantau Marine Park (April 2020)
- Development of a Risk Assessment Protocol for Identification of Invasive Alien Species (March 2020)
- Chinese Pangolin Species Action Plan 2019 - 2024 published (December 2019)
- Hard coral restoration at Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park (January 2019)
- Establishment of Countryside Conservation Office (July 2018), Advisory Committee on Countryside Conservation (July 2019) and Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme (October 2019)
- Guidelines for Design of Terrestrial Wildlife Crossing Systems updated (March 2019)
- The Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 with three-step plan to phase out local ivory trade (May 2018)
- Incense Tree Species Action Plan published (May 2018)
- Guidelines for formulation of Species Action Plans published (March 2018)
- Drainage Services Department carried out trial eco-enhancements at Lower Lam Tsuen River (2017)
- Long-term conservation of Sha Lo Tung through non-in-situ land exchange (June 2017)
- Designation of The Brothers Marine Park (December 2016)
Area 2 - Mainstreaming biodiversity
- Standard Specification of Nursery Plant Materials for Guangdong Hong Kong and Macau (May 2021)
- Revitalisation works of Tsui Ping River by Drainage Services Department (2020 – 2024)
- Hong Kong 2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030” (October 2021)
- “2020 Sustainable Slope Excellence Award – Natural Terrain Catchment Category” organised by Civil and Engineering and Development Department (January 2021)
- Chapter 10 (Conservation) of the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines amended to incorporate biodiversity considerations (March 2020)
- “Hong Kong 2020 International Urban Forestry Conference” organised by Development Bureau (January 2020)
- Adoption of the first set of Specification of Competency Standards for the arboriculture and horticulture industry (November 2019) (Chinese Only)
- Urban green projects by Government departments to promote biodiversity (On-going)
- BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 launched by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, with new incentives to promote biodiversity in building projects (September 2019)
- "Street Tree Selection Guide" released by the Greening, Landscape, and Tree Management Section (GLTMS) (December 2018)
- Biodiversity considerations integrated in the Sustainability Assessment system (December 2018)
- Public educational events co-organised by LCSD and AFCD to promote biodiversity (December 2018)
- Supporting Education Bureau (EDB) to demonstrate role of biodiversity in Smart City Programme together with Drainage Services Department (DSD) and Construction Industry Council (CIC) (April 2018)
- Invited lecture on biodiversity in Hong Kong Flower Show 2018 (March 2018)
- Assessing local fisheries resources
Supporting Education Bureau (EDB) to demonstrate role of biodiversity in Smart City together with Drainage Services Department (DSD) and Construction Industry Council (CIC) (April 2018)
AFCD, DSD and CIC collaborated to deliver a training on “Smart City and Biodiversity”, in
support of EDB’s Smart City Project Programme 2017/2018.
Participating students and teachers visited Kowloon City Sewage Pumping Station No.1 and learnt how the greening and grey water recycling features of the Station supported biodiversity, and contributed to the sustainability of the infrastructure.
Participants also visited the Zero Carbon Building and learnt the importance and composition of Hong Kong’s first urban native woodland, as well as how other Smart Cities tackle the challenges of climate change.
Invited lecture on biodiversity in Hong Kong Flower Show 2018 (March 2018)
AFCD was invited by Leisure and Cultural Services Department to speak about “Making
Our Gardens More Biodiversity-friendly” and “Native Forest Vegetation in Hong Kong” in the Seminar on Greening of this year’s Hong Kong Flower Show.
- Topics covered include principles of enhancing urban biodiversity, ways of making habitats attractive to wildlife, examples of native plants useful to wildlife, and an overview of vegetation types and features of forests in Hong Kong.
Area 3 - Improving our knowledge
- A Study on Ecosystem Services in Hong Kong (2022)
Development of Terrestrial Habitat Map using remote sensing and GIS (2021)
Fisheries Resources Survey at Marine Parks and Marine Reserve (November 2021)
- Juvenile Fish Survey at Marine Parks and Marine Reserve (September 2021)
Benthic Habitat Mapping of Tung Ping Chau Marine Park (March 2020)
- Checklist of Biodiversity of Hong Kong updated (July 2019)
"Biodiversity" as a priority research theme under Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF)
Management Agreement projects that promote traditional knowledge for conservation of biodiversity continue to be implemented
Compiling a List of Threatened Species for Hong Kong
The institutional framework for compiling the Hong Kong List of Threatened Species has
been formulated. Experts for different taxonomic groups, including AFCD officers and experts from academic institutes or other organisations, were also appointed as assessors and reviewers in May 2018.
AFCD has arranged training for the personnel involved in the assessment in late May to early June 2018.
- The different specialist groups have started conducting assessments or preparatory work for the assessments, and draft assessments of some groups are undergoing an independent review process.
Management Agreement (MA) projects that promote traditional knowledge for conservation of biodiversity continue to be implemented
Traditional freshwater wetland crops are being grown in Long Valley and Ho Sheung Heung
and Lai Chi Wo MA projects, and the traditional fishpond drain-down practice is being implemented in the MA projects within and outside Ramsar Site, demonstrating the wise use of natural resources in contributing to the conservation of biodiversity. In addition, in 2021, a new MA project was launched in the country park enclaves at Mui Tsz Lam and Kop Tong, to conserve, revitalize and enhance the natural, cultural and landscape values in these old upland Hakka villages.
Area 4 - Promoting community involvement
- Biodiversity Education Programmes (On-going)
- Survey on the Attitude and Level of Knowledge of the General Public and Stakeholder Groups Towards Biodiversity in Hong Kong (Full report)(Summary) (February 2023)
- Launch of “Hong Kong Marine Classroom” facebook page, interactive webpage and Hong Kong Marine Classroom 2019-2020 booklet (2019)
Learning and teaching packages for kindergarten - "Countryside Adventure" (Lions Nature Education Centre), "Wetland Footprints" (Hong Kong Wetland Park) (July 2018)
Launch of The Biodiversity Gallery in the Hong Kong Science Museum (September 2016)