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Local Wetland Conservation

Promote Conservation and Wise Use

Management Agreement Projects in the Deep Bay Area

Since 2012, the Environmental Conservation Fund has funded the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society to implement Management Agreement (MA) projects in collaboration with the local fishpond operators in the Deep Bay area. The projects aim to enhance the ecological functions of fishponds in the Deep Bay area through wise use of wetland, as well as to preserve the traditional fish farming as part of the local cultural heritage.

Under the MA projects, fishpond operators are required to adopt a traditional operation regime by conducting drain-down after harvest to provide suitable feeding opportunities for waterbirds on small fish with minimal economic values.

In addition, bird surveys are conducted to provide up-to-date ecological information of the fishpond habitats. Public education programmes e.g. Fishpond Festival, Education Kiosk, eco-tours, talks, workshops and exhibitions are also conducted to increase awareness on fishpond ecology and fishery culture.

Click here for more details.

Fish harvesting Lut Chau
Fish Pond Fish Pond
education Little Egrets

Land use and water quality control

To conserve and protect the flora, fauna and their habitats which are of special scientific interest, five Sites of Special Scientific Interests are designated inside the Ramsar site. The land area around Deep Bay including the Ramsar Site is covered by statutory land use plans and development is controlled by the Town Planning Ordinance. All development proposals must be made to the Town Planning Board for consideration in accordance with the Ordinance. To protect the ecological integrity of the Ramsar site from incompatible development, the Board has designated a Wetland Conservation Area (WCA) and a Wetland Buffer Area (WBA) for the Deep Bay area and provided guidelines to guide and control developments within the area.

The WCA basically covers the landward part of the Ramsar site. The Guidelines stipulate that new development within WCA should not be allowed unless it is required to support the conservation of the area's natural features and scenic qualities. New development within WBA would not be considered unless the applicant demonstrates that the proposed development would have insignificant impact on the environment, ecology, drainage, sewerage and traffic in the area including the Ramsar site.

For more information about the statutory land use and planning guidelines in the Deep Bay Region, please visit the website of the Town Planning Board: http://www.info.gov.hk/tpb/.

The Inner Deep Bay has been declared Water Quality Control Zone with water quality objectives defined in 1991 by the Environmental Protection Department. Moreover, the full implementation of statutory controls on livestock waste has eventually resulted in significant reduction of organic pollution entering Deep Bay.

Website of Environmental Protection Department: http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/.

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