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Seahorse and Adult Horseshoe Crab Sighting Report

To allow a better understanding on the distribution, diversity and abundance of seahorses and adult horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong waters, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) is collecting information on the sightings of seahorses and adult horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong waters through an online form.


Information required about the sighting include:

1.          Date

2.          Time

3.          Activity involved

4.          Exact location

5.          Water depth

6.          Substrate

7.          Size*

8.          Sex*

9.          Photo(s)

10.      Your contact details

* only applicable to seahorse sighting submission


Please only submit records of wild seahorses and horseshoe crabs found in local waters. If you have multiple sightings, please submit separately.


Please note that once you submitted the information, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) would have the right to utilise the information for education and research purposes.  Your personal information will only be used for contact purpose only.


For any questions, please contact us at mar_con_biodiv@afcd.gov.hk or 3468 5465.


The link to the online forms are at:


Adult horseshoe crabs