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Clear Water Bay Country Park Visitor Centre

Clear Water Bay Country Park Visitor Centre


Opening Hour: Closed on Tuesdays(Except public holidays) and the first two days of the Chinese New Year
Exhibits include: Coastal Features
Recreational facilities and scenic areas in Clear Water Bay Country Park
Vegetation of the surrounding coastal area and headland
Kite flying activity in the area and precautions
Barrier-free Facilities: This Centre provides the following barrier-free facilities

Barrier-free access
Most of the walkways to the Centre are level, while ramp access is provided where necessary.

Accessible Toilet
Accessible toilets are provided at barbecue area and kiosk near the Centre. Clear symbols are posted to show location of the toilets.

Barrier-free access
Accessible Toilet
Accessible Toilet
Enquiry: 2719 0032
How to go : KMB Route 91 runs from Choi Hung to Tai Au Mun. Get off the bus and walk further along the Clear Water Bay Road for about 1 Km to the car park at its end. The visitor centre is visible from the car park and is linked to the carpark by a paved footpath. Alternatively, visitors can reach the said car park directly by coaches or private vehicles.


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