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Financial Assistance

Emergency relief fund

Grants to repair or replace vessels and fishing gear

Grants from the Emergency Relief Fund are made available to fishermen for repair or replacement of fishing vessels and fishing gear damaged or loss as a result of a natural disaster or fire to an extent that merits assistance.

Primary Producer Grants

The department is also responsible for the payment of primary producer grants from the Emergency Relief Fund in order to relieve financial distress suffered by fish farmers adversely affected by natural disasters and found eligible.


  • 2471 9174 (Pond Fish Culture)
  • 2150 7108 (Marine Fish Culture)
  • 2150 7099 (Capture fisheries)

Introduction of Emergency Relief Fund (PDF Format)

Operational Guidelines

Payment Schedules

Notes to Applicants (Mariculture) - Chinese only (PDF Format)

Notes to Applicants (Pond Fish Rehabilitation Grant) - Chinese only (PDF Format)

Application Form

  • Emergency Relief Fund - Pond Fish Rehabilitation Grant (760KB)     e-FormiAM Smart

  • Emergency Relief Fund - Marine Fish Culture Grant (355KB)     e-FormiAM Smart

  • Emergency Relief Fund - Capture Fisheries (Chinese version only) (265KB)     e-FormiAM Smart

Submission of completed form

  • Capture Fisheries

Applicant has to complete the appropriate application form and send it together with the required supporting documents by post to :

Liaison and Special Duties Section

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

8/F, Room 825, Cheung Sha Wan Government Office

303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon


In person:Same as above


Fax to #:(852) 2314 2866


E-mail to #:fisherf@afcd.gov.hk 

# If an application is submitted by fax or e-mail, the applicant will be required to attend an interview conducted by this department. The applicant has to provide copies of the documents required together with the original documents for verification by this department. The applicant will be requested to sign the submitted application form, declaring all the submitted information is true and correct.


  • Pond Fish Culture

Application should be submitted within 7 working days after the incident. Applicant should visit Au Tau Fisheries Office, 27 Milestone, Castle Peak Road, Au Tau, Yuen Long to submit the application in person together with the identity document.


E-mail the completed application form to fish_tsps@afcd.gov.hk

Please note that for application submitted by email, the applicant is required to attend an interview in person and onsite fish farm inspection conducted by this department. The applicant is required to provide identity document for checking and sign the submitted application form to confirm the submission. 


  • Marine Fish Culture

Application should be submitted within 7 working days after the incident. Applicant should visit designated locations to submit the application in person together with the identity document and marine fish culture licence.


E-mail the completed application form to fish_lic_enf@afcd.gov.hk.

Please note that for application submitted by email, the applicant is required to attend an interview in person and onsite fish raft inspection conducted by this department. The applicant is required to provide identity document for checking and sign the submitted application form to confirm the submission. 

Performance Standard
Processing of an Emergency Relief Fund application would be completed within 30 working days, with all necessary information provided by the applicant.

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